Heritage Releases Comprehensive Plan to Start FBI Over From Scratch

Heritage Releases Comprehensive Plan to Start FBI Over From Scratch

Jul 10, 2023 3 min read

WASHINGTON–Today, The Heritage Foundation published an extensive report entitled “How to Fix the FBI,” authored by Heritage Distinguished Fellow Steven G. Bradbury. 

The report contains extensive suggestions for Congress to rethink the entire FBI at a fundamental level: to start over from scratch and reconstruct the Bureau to refocus on law enforcement, bring it under meaningful oversight, and restrain it to protect Americans’ constitutional rights.

Dr. Kevin Roberts, president of The Heritage Foundation, stated:

“Recent evidence has demonstrated systemic corruption exists within the FBI at an astonishing level. The FBI is no longer an impartial federal law enforcement agency, but a political weapon of the Left. Congress has a constitutional duty now to overhaul the FBI so that it serves the interest of the American people again.”  


“As shown in chilling detail by the Durham Report, Twitter Files, and other revelations, the FBI is in desperate need of fixing,” said Bradbury. “In recent years, an unaccountable FBI has abused its power at the expense of American citizens, from targeting concerned parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists, chilling free speech online during the COVID-19 pandemic, or gathering intelligence on Americans and treating them as foreign adversaries.” 

After laying out the evidence demonstrating the compelling need for a fundamental overhaul, the Heritage report describes the general elements that would be involved in rebuilding the FBI and offers options for Congress’s consideration. Some of the proposed legislative solutions include:  

  • Restricting the new Bureau’s jurisdiction.  

  • Removing intelligence functions from the Bureau.

  • Limiting or eliminating tools used to monitor Americans without evidence of a possible crime.  

  • Moving resources, headcount, and the Bureau’s headquarters out of Washington.  

  • Moving the Bureau director into the DOJ chain of command to advance strong presidential supervision and guarantee more effective political accountability. 

Whether or not Congress decides to advance a comprehensive package for reimagining the FBI, there still remains an urgent imperative for Congress to act without delay to end the weaponization of the FBI and the misuse of intelligence authorities. The report details the minimum set of reforms which should be enacted as Congress considers reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.