Heritage Expert: Iowa Heartbeat Law Builds on Wave of Life Saving Laws Passed Since Dobbs

Heritage Expert: Iowa Heartbeat Law Builds on Wave of Life Saving Laws Passed Since Dobbs

Jul 12, 2023 1 min read

WASHINGTON—The Iowa legislature passed a bill that protects babies at roughly six weeks of pregnancy, when a heartbeat can be detected. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds is expected to sign the measure into law later this week.

Melanie Israel, policy analyst in The Heritage Foundation’s DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family, released the following statement:

“With Roe v. Wade in the dustbin of history, Iowa can now protect babies with beating hearts from abortion.

“Iowa joins more than a dozen states across the country that are protecting children from the time a heartbeat can be detected or better. Iowa builds on the wave of life-saving laws that have been enacted since Roe was overturned, and the pro-life movement isn’t done yet.

“More states—and Congress—should continue this momentum that reflects the will of the people and protect women and unborn babies from the violence of abortion.”