House Continuing Resolution Seeks to Cut Spending, End Border Crisis

House Continuing Resolution Seeks to Cut Spending, End Border Crisis

Sep 18, 2023 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Yesterday, a conservative coalition in the House of Representatives unveiled a one-month Continuing Resolution (CR) that funds the federal government through Oct. 31, 2023, an initial salvo in the ongoing appropriations battle. The proposal cuts spending and seeks to end a worsening, self-inflicted border crisis.

On the spending front, the proposal temporarily reduces non-defense, non-veterans, and non-disaster relief spending by more than 8% from fiscal year (FY) 2023 levels. By maintaining current FY 2023 funding levels for defense and veterans, it marks a nearly 1% cut from FY 2023 spending levels overall. More needs to be done to rein in out-of-control government spending, but this is a start.

Most importantly, this spending agreement includes nearly every provision from the House-passed Secure the Border Act (H.R. 2), as well as policy riders designed to prohibit federal funds for the Biden administration’s open-border policies. Though it notably does not include mandatory E-Verify, it would close loopholes used for asylum fraud, fortify border security by ending “catch-and-release,” stop the illegal use of mass parole, expand penalties for visa overstays, and close longstanding loopholes in the processing of both accompanied and unaccompanied alien children. The bill also resumes construction of the border wall, provides essential support for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and prohibits the Biden administration’s reliance on non-governmental organizations to process and transport illegal aliens into American communities.

The conservatives in the House of Representatives who crafted this deal are to be commended for taking seriously the two crises facing our nation. The House must continue to fight to secure the border and for more, permanent spending cuts to reduce our ruinous deficit and debt, curb inflation that is hurting American families, and rein in the woke and weaponized government.