Heritage Expert Cheers More Rollbacks on Obamacare Insurance Regulations

Heritage Expert Cheers More Rollbacks on Obamacare Insurance Regulations

Feb 20, 2018

The Trump Administration today released a proposed rule that would provide relief from limitations President Obama put on short-term, limited duration health insurance policies. Doug Badger, Heritage Foundation visiting fellow and a senior fellow at Galen Institute, welcomed the efforts to rollback Obamacare insurance regulations:

“Obamacare health insurance plans are unaffordable for many Americans, so the administration’s proposed rule provides much-needed relief. Short-term, limited duration health plans were restricted three weeks before President Obama left office. The Trump administration is right to propose lifting this ban because it will create new health options at more affordable prices. The Health and Human Services Department should go further and allow consumers and insurers to renew these policies as well as purchase them.”