January 10, 2017 Understanding Trump and Trumpism: Part One
Following Speaker Gingrich’s previous address on “The Principles of Trumpism,” he continues his reflections this month in a 6-part series of presentations on understanding the incoming President and the phenomenon of Trumpism.
Tuesday, Jan 10, 2017
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Heritage Foundation
Featured Speakers
The Honorable Newt Gingrich
Hosted By
Part One
Following Speaker Gingrich’s previous address on “The Principles of Trumpism,” he continues his reflections this month in a 6-part series of presentations on understanding the incoming President and the phenomenon of Trumpism as well as the policy challenges facing the new Administration, Capitol Hill, and the nation. These programs will be held on January 10, 12, 17, 23, 25 and 30. Details will be forthcoming on the Heritage Events pages for each session where reservations may also be made to attend in person.
As a member of Congress during the 1980s, Speaker Gingrich fought for enactment of principled conservative policies that brought domestic and international renewal. In 1994, he was the co-author and architect of the “Contract with America,” a conservative agenda advocated nationally and advanced on Capitol Hill. And, as an adviser in the recent Presidential campaign, Speaker Gingrich has a unique vantage point from which to address the era of revolutionary change that appears on the horizon.
Join us for the first of these lectures Tuesday, January 10 at The Heritage Foundation.
COMMENTARY 3 min read
FIRST PRINCIPLES Over an hour read