Kay Coles James Statement on Women's History Month

Kay Coles James Statement on Women's History Month

Mar 1, 2018 1 min read

Heritage Pres. Kay Coles James released the following statement Thursday in recognition of March as Women's History Month:

"The United States would not be the world’s beacon of liberty without the many contributions made by millions of patriotic and often unsung women. On the home front, on the warfront, in the workplace, women have served and shaped our great nation. That’s why Women’s History Month is such an important opportunity for us to pause and honor their profound contributions to gaining and safeguarding the freedoms we hold so dear.


"The Heritage Foundation has a long history of honoring women who have been on the frontlines of the fight for freedom. In fact, our highest award is named after the Clare Luce Booth, one of America’s great conservative champions. The list of well-known women who have risked much to stand for liberty in their time is long and growing – from fearless abolitionist Harriet Tubman to steel-willed Ambassador Nikki Haley, and many before and in between. And as we recognize them, let’s also honor the everyday heroic women who make our families, communities, economy, military, and nation strong.


"And so, The Heritage Foundation is deeply proud to honor women during Women’s History Month, and indeed, every day."