Heritage Applauds Trump Nomination of Kimberly Breier for Senior State Department Post

Heritage Applauds Trump Nomination of Kimberly Breier for Senior State Department Post

Mar 8, 2018 1 min read

The Heritage Foundation’s Vice President for Foreign Policy and National Security, Dr. James Carafano, and Visiting Distinguished Fellow David Shedd, released the following statement Thursday in support of Pres. Trump’s nomination of Kimberly Breier to serve as assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs.

“We are thrilled Pres. Trump has nominated Kimberly Breier to serve as the United States' top diplomat to Latin America. Her expertise on the region is highly regarded and she has served the administration well over the past year as a member of Sec. Tillerson’s Policy Planning staff. Kimberly has the experience and requisite skills to excel in this vital post, having previously served in the U.S. intelligence community, on Pres. George W. Bush’s National Security Council, and later in the think tank community. President Trump has made an excellent personnel decision selecting Kimberly for this new role.”