Heritage Expert: Supreme Court Correct in Upholding Trump Administration Travel Restrictions

Heritage Expert: Supreme Court Correct in Upholding Trump Administration Travel Restrictions

Jun 26, 2018 1 min read

Following the Supreme Court’s decision on President Trump’s 2017 executive order restricting travel from seven countries, Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow, Hans von Spakovksy released the following reaction:


“The Court handed Americans a second major victory today with its decision finding that the president’s travel ban was constitutional and fully within the law. The decision reaffirmed that the president has the authority as delegated to him by Congress to suspend the entry of aliens from nations that pose a national security threat to the U.S. and the safety of the American people. Criticism of this order on the basis there is no reason to worry about the entry of aliens from state sponsors of terrorism like Iran, lacks validity and undermines the hard work of U.S. intelligence agencies.”