Ed Meese III: The American People Deserve a Swift Confirmation by the U.S. Senate

Ed Meese III: The American People Deserve a Swift Confirmation by the U.S. Senate

Jul 9, 2018 1 min read

WASHINGTON- Judge Brett Kavanaugh  was selected by President Donald Trump to replace Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court and Heritage Foundation's Distinguished Fellow Edwin Meese III had the following response: 

"With the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, President Trump has chosen a man who will be another great justice. Brett Kavanaugh follows the same pattern as Neil Gorsuch, a fair and independent jurist who will faithfully apply the law as written and honor the Constitution. The American people deserve a swift confirmation by the U.S. Senate so Brett Kavanaugh can take his seat on the high court when it reconvenes for the fall term in early October.”