March 16, 2017 Rethinking Tobacco Control in an Era of E-Cigarettes and Other Alternatives to Smoking
Cigarette smokers who are trying to quit smoking have many new and innovative options, such as e-cigarettes, to help them break the habit. At least they do as of now.

Thursday, March 16, 2017
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
The Heritage Foundation
Lehrman Auditorium
Hosted By
Click here to view archived video of this event.
Cigarette smokers who are trying to quit smoking have many new and innovative options, such as e-cigarettes, to help them break the habit. At least they do as of now. However, the federal government is about to prevent individuals who desperately want to stop smoking from having access to these options that could make a big difference in their lives. This expert panel will discuss these alternatives, the latest research, the current harmful meddling of the federal government, and a new approach to tobacco policy, “tobacco harm reduction,” that recognizes that reducing the harm from the delivery of nicotine is not an all-or-nothing proposition.
COMMENTARY 3 min read
LEGAL MEMO 20 min read
BACKGROUNDER 12 min read