Heritage Expert on HHS Rule Regarding Short-Term Health Plans

Heritage Expert on HHS Rule Regarding Short-Term Health Plans

Aug 1, 2018 1 min read

Today, the U.S. Health and Human Services Department released a rule that will roll back the Obama administration’s limits on short-term, limited duration health insurance plans, making them more accessible and easier to use. Marie Fishpaw, director of domestic policy studies at The Heritage Foundation, offered the following reaction:

"The Trump administration is right to provide more options to Americans who have suffered under Obamacare and, in many cases, been priced out of health coverage. States should have more authority to regulate short-term, limited duration health plans."

"Unwinding Obamacare's damaging regulations is just the first step. Congress must enact real health reform like the ideas laid out in the Health Care Choices Proposal.”

“As HHS Secretary Alex Azar noted at a recent speech at Heritage, conservatives have a solid plan for lowering health care costs and improving choices. Lawmakers should act now to heal our nation's broken insurance markets."

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