Heritage Expert on New Rule Gutting Obama-era Environmental Regulations

Heritage Expert on New Rule Gutting Obama-era Environmental Regulations

Aug 21, 2018 1 min read

This morning, Heritage's energy and environment expert, Nick Loris, had the following reaction to the new proposed rule by the Trump administration that rolls back the Obama-era Clean Power Plan: 

“Economically and environmentally, the Trump administration is completely justified to undo President Obama’s climate legacy that grossly exceeded the statutory authority of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The so-called ‘Clean Power Plan’ would have spelled higher energy bills for families, individuals, and businesses. Moreover, it would have destroyed jobs and strained economic growth – for no meaningful impact on global temperatures. Replacing this disastrous plan with a more rational standard and empowering states in this effort is a welcome shift away from the Obama-era standards that would have fundamentally dictated what energy sources Americans could use.


"Ultimately, Congress needs to recognize that these over-bearing climate regulations are not only costly but also completely ineffective in achieving their supposed goals and should act to prohibit the EPA and all other federal agencies from instituting similarly misguided regulations on emissions."