Heritage Pres. Kay Coles James: Dr. Kiron Skinner "Embraces the Philosophy of Ronald Reagan"

Heritage Pres. Kay Coles James: Dr. Kiron Skinner "Embraces the Philosophy of Ronald Reagan"

Aug 30, 2018 1 min read

WASHINGTON -- The Heritage Foundation's President, Kay Coles James, released the following statement Thursday regarding Sec. of State Mike Pompeo's appointment of Dr. Kiron Skinner to lead the State Department's Policy Planning department:

“Under Sec. of State Mike Pompeo, the State Department has entered a new era, one marked by outstanding leadership and effective execution of Pres. Trump’s ‘America First’ National Security Strategy. In light of this, it should be no surprise that Sec. Pompeo has appointed Dr. Kiron Skinner to lead the department’s Policy Planning wing, where she play a vital part in shaping the foundation of U.S. foreign policy for both the short term, and for the decades to come.


“Skinner comes to the position with every conceivable qualification, her impeccable national security credentials sharpened by years of experience in academia, government and the private sector. Her stellar collaborative ability and long-standing connections across the conservative community will be vital tools in building consensus in the administration for a strong American foreign policy, and in advising the president and the secretary on turning those policy ideas into reality.


“Her long track record is clear: Skinner embraces the philosophy of Ronald Reagan – strong, conservative American leadership on the global stage is vitally important, both for the U.S. and for the world. In her new role, Skinner will have the opportunity to advance that philosophy, to the benefit of generations to come.”