What do a courtly, soft-spoken but iron-willed senator from
Alabama and a brash, flamboyant real estate developer from New York
have in common? Answer: A shared outrage at the incompetence of the
United Nations.
Amid the oil-for-food scandal and widespread humanitarian abuses by
UN "peacekeepers" in the Congo, UN apologists again are struggling
to explain the inexplicable. Conservative stalwarts on Capitol
Hill, aghast that the UN has requested $1.2 billion to renovate its
modernistic headquarters on Manhattan's East Side, have joined
forces with New York developer Donald Trump to challenge yet
another UN mishandling of taxpayer dollars.
First, a few facts: The United Nations wants the United States to
extend it a $1.2-billion loan, interest free, to overhaul its
headquarters. UN officials want to spend an additional $650 million
in U.S. money on a 35-story building to use as "swing space" to
house UN employees during the renovation as well as construct an
elaborate 100,000-square-foot esplanade park that would extend into
the East River. Altogether, the total bill for this extravaganza
may be as much as $2.5 billion, with U.S. taxpayers expected to
foot more than $500 million of the final bill.
Enter Sen. Jeff Sessions, a principled conservative Republican from
Alabama who chairs the Senate Steering Committee. Sessions read
press accounts about the renovation in which Trump and other New
York developers questioned the exorbitant cost of the project. At
up to $1,100 per square foot, the expected cost would be quadruple
the "absolute maximum" cost, according to one leading developer.
Trump summed up the consensus view in New York's real estate
community. "The United Nations is a mess," he said, "and they're
spending hundreds of millions of dollars unnecessarily on this
Sharing Trump's outrage, Sessions proceeded to establish an
unlikely friendship with his seemingly polar opposite.
Speaking on the Senate floor during consideration of a State
Department bill, Sessions noted that Trump recently had completed
the 90-story Trump World Tower for a "mere" $350 million, less than
one-third the projected cost of the UN renovation. One European
official also noted this discrepancy and arranged a meeting between
Trump and beleaguered UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Trump
described the meeting to Sessions: "The person who has been working
on this project for four years couldn't answer basic questions
about what was involved in renovating a major building. He was not
capable nor competent to do the job."
Trump being Trump, he immediately offered to deliver a
higher-quality renovation at less than half the cost, and even
offered to waive his fee for managing the project. To date, he
hasn't received a response from this increasingly dysfunctional
Sessions has drafted the legislative equivalent to Trump's famous
admonition to supplicants on his top-rated television show--a
"you're fired" amendment to limit to $600 million the amount of any
loan extended to the UN. He plans to offer it to an upcoming bill
in the Senate. This one will be fun.
Calculated Distortions
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) suffered a major
setback in his effort to undermine President Bush's campaign to
reform Social Security when the respected website run by the
Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania
(FactCheck.org) declared that a Social Security calculator posted
on Reid's website--and those of at least 16 other Senate
Democrats--was "rigged" and "based on a number of false assumptions
and deceptive comparisons."
Those who check the "Social Insecurity" calculator are hit
immediately by the heading "How Will You Lose Under Bush
Privatization Plan." An entry alongside the final calculation
invites one to see "Your Annual Percentage CUT Under Bush
Privatization." How objective! The researchers at FactCheck.org
concluded: "The calculator systematically underestimates the likely
returns of investments" by assuming a rate of return of only 3%
above inflation. In fact, "the stock market has averaged 6.8% above
inflation for the past century." Indeed, several prominent
economists quoted in the analysis estimated future stock market
returns to be about twice the rate assumed on Reid's
Analysts at the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, who
created the calculator, explain that they base their 3% assumption
on a previous study by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
But CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin told FactCheck.org that the 3%
assumption was flat-out "wrong" and that "we assume that equities
will return 6.8% in the future."
There is at least one additional, significant flaw in the
calculator. Social Security experts at the Heritage Foundation
reviewed the fine print and found the following statement: "For
simplicity's sake, this website assumes that all workers will
retire at age 65, although the full retirement age is gradually
increasing under current law, reaching age 67 for those born in
1960 and thereafter." In other words, the calculator wrongly
overstates the returns from the current program by assuming workers
pay into the system for up to two fewer years than is the case, and
that they receive benefits for up to two years more than allowed
under current law.
It is nothing short of breathtaking that purportedly serious
researchers would foist such a knowingly deceptive product on
Americans in the midst of such a serious policy debate.
Mr. Franc, who
has held a number of positions on Capitol Hill, is vice president
of Government Relations at The Heritage Foundation.
First appeared in Human Events