Heritage Expert on ‘CRominbus’ passage: Congress Wastes Another Opportunity to Restore Fiscal Sanity

Heritage Expert on ‘CRominbus’ passage: Congress Wastes Another Opportunity to Restore Fiscal Sanity

Sep 27, 2018 1 min read

Following the passing of the conference report of the six department continuing appropriations bill today, Heritage senior budget policy analyst Justin Bogie gave the following comment:


“Congress followed through with an unfortunate, yet predictable vote yesterday with the passing of another appropriations bill that omits many conservative priorities. $855 billion dollars, or 89% of fiscal year 2019 funding was packed into one bill, far from regular order.


“After years of passing massive continuing resolutions and omnibus bills, Congress seems to have lost interest in restoring fiscal sanity, cutting spending, addressing border security, repealing and replacing Obamacare, and defunding Planned Parenthood. The fight will now roll into December in the midst of a lame-duck session, which notoriously leads to bad policy outcomes. The passage of this bill is especially discouraging given President Trump said he would never sign a bill like this again.”