Heritage Expert on "Big 6" Tax Proposal

Heritage Expert on "Big 6" Tax Proposal

Sep 27, 2017 1 min read

Heritage Foundation tax expert Adam Michel had the following to say about the “Big 6’s” tax reform principles that were released this afternoon:

“The tax reform outline revealed by the ‘Big Six’ today is a promising indication that leaders in Congress and The White House are not willing to let this generational opportunity go to waste. Pro-growth tax reform is essential to raising the take-home pay of American families and creating more jobs for American workers. Rate cuts across the board for individuals and job creators is a positive move - but updating the tax code for the 21st century requires more than just cutting taxes. True reform will include structural reforms like full expensing and the wholesale elimination of all the accumulated carve-outs for the rich and well connected. If the principles outlined today are followed, we will truly make America great again through higher wages, more jobs, and untold opportunity.”