Heritage Foundation Statement on Resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Heritage Foundation Statement on Resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Nov 7, 2018 2 min read

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following the resignation of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Heritage Foundation Pres. Kay Coles James released the following statement:

“Jeff Sessions has dedicated his life to public service as Attorney General, Senator, and U.S. Attorney. I am grateful for his many years of public service and his unwavering fight to preserve liberty in this country. During his time at the Department of Justice, he focused on priorities important to the American people, including strengthening our borders, protecting religious liberty and freedom of speech, and improving public safety. On behalf of The Heritage Foundation, I would like to thank my friend, General Sessions, for his commitment to upholding the rule of law and the Constitution.”

In addition, former Attorney General Edwin Meese, who served under Pres. Ronald Reagan, released this statement:

“Jeff Sessions served his country and the Department of Justice with distinction as the 84th Attorney General of the United States. Although he had a rocky relationship with Pres. Trump, he brought many welcome changes to the Department during his tenure, including a renewed emphasis on fighting violent crime, illegal immigration, and the drug epidemic.He also brought greater transparency to the Justice Department in a number of areas, ably defended the administration’s legal positions in court, and pursued a more cooperative and productive relationship with state and local law enforcement authorities.He restored integrity to the Justice Department, for which we are grateful. I have no doubt that General Sessions will continue to be a passionate and forceful advocate for upholding the rule of law and for the issues that he holds dear. The Heritage Foundation wishes General Sessions well in all of his future endeavors.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently spoke to The Heritage Foundation about the importance of the separation of powers. To view the address, click here.