Ed Feulner: John Mitnick Will Be An Experienced, Effective Leader as DHS General Counsel

Ed Feulner: John Mitnick Will Be An Experienced, Effective Leader as DHS General Counsel

Oct 4, 2017 1 min read

A Senate committee today approved John Marshall Mitnick's nomination to be General Counsel at the Department of Homeland Security. Edwin J. Feulner, founder and president of The Heritage Foundation, extended his good wishes.


"President Trump has made another excellent personnel decision in selecting John Mitnick to serve as General Counsel to the Department of Homeland Security. John has all the necessary experience and skills needed to excel in this vital post, having previously served as Deputy Counsel to President George W. Bush’s Homeland Security Council and as an Associate General Counsel for Science and Technology at DHS. I look forward to his swift confirmation.

Along with the other Heritage Foundation Trustees, I will miss John’s wry smile, wit and sage advice in the board room. But we are pleased to know that the talented attorneys working at DHS will have an experienced, effective leader to help them keep our homeland safe."