Is Freedom of Religion Important?


Is Freedom of Religion Important?

Dec 1, 2018 1 min read

It’s an issue that should matter to us all. In the past decade, attacks on religious freedom have intensified, and religious Americans are feeling the effects, with less space for them to live, work, and speak authentically. These attacks against freedom of religion are attacks on us all. The more government tells us what to think, say, or do contrary to our beliefs and values, the less free we all are.

We all benefit when our friends and neighbors are able to live out their deeply held convictions and beliefs. It makes for a more diverse, civil, and sustainable society. Religious people and organizations are often responsible for supporting our families, schools, hospitals, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and other places that help people and communities thrive.

Backed by solid research and constitutional principles, this microsite will help you navigate one of the most pressing issues in American culture today.