November 16, 2017 2017 Antipoverty Forum
Refocusing policy for the good of the people
Thursday, Nov 16, 2017
8:30 am - 11:45 am
The Heritage Foundation
Hosted By
8:30 a.m. Registration Opens
Klinetobe Lobby
8:30 a.m. Networking Breakfast
Allison Foyer
9:00 a.m. Session I – Setting the Agenda for Welfare Reform
Allison Auditorium
Master of Ceremonies:
Genevieve Wood
Senior Communications Advisor, The Heritage Foundation,
and Senior Contributor, The Daily Signal
Moderator: Jennifer Marshall
Vice President for the Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity, and
the Joseph C. and Elizabeth A. Anderlik Fellow, The Heritage Foundation
The Honorable Garret Graves
United States House of Representatives (R – LA)
The Honorable Jim Jordan
United States House of Representatives (R – OH)
The Honorable Jason Smith
United States House of Representatives (R – MO)
9:45 a.m. Session II – Reforms to Open the Way to Opportunity and Mobility
Allison Auditorium
Moderator: Jennifer Marshall
Vice President for the Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity, and
the Joseph C. and Elizabeth A. Anderlik Fellow, The Heritage Foundation
Marie Fishpaw
Director, Domestic Policy Studies
The Heritage Foundation
Robert Rector
Senior Research Fellow, Domestic Policy Studies
The Heritage Foundation
Paul Winfree
Deputy Assistant to the President, Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council,
and Director of Budget Policy, The White House
Scott Winship, Ph.D.
Project Director, Office of the Vice Chairman
Joint Economic Committee, Untied States Senate
10:30 a.m. Break
10:40 a.m. Presentation of the HOPE Award for Effective Compassion
Allison Auditorium
Master of Ceremonies:
Genevieve Wood
Senior Communications Advisor, The Heritage Foundation,
and Senior Contributor, The Daily Signal
Jamie Dean
News Editor, WORLD News Group
T. Mac Howard
Principal, Delta Streets Academy
11:00 a.m. Session III – How Education Reform Can Ensure Student Success for Life
Allison Auditorium
Moderator: Lindsey Burke
Director, Center for Education Policy, Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity, and the Will Skillman Fellow in Education, The Heritage Foundation
Derrick Max
Executive Director and Principal
Cornerstone Schools of Washington, D.C.
Brad Wilcox
Senior Fellow, Institute for Family Studies
Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
Closing Remarks: Genevieve Wood
Senior Communications Advisor, The Heritage Foundation,
and Senior Contributor, The Daily Signal
11:45 a.m. Antipoverty Forum Adjourns
Boxed Lunches available for guests in Van Andel on 1st Floor
Join us for the 2017 Antipoverty Forum on Thursday, November 16 at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. as we focus on putting the progress of people—not the growth of programs—back at the center of the fight against poverty.
That’s the message behind this year’s theme, Refocusing Policy for the Good of People. Antipoverty policy should be measured by how well it empowers people to overcome dependence on welfare and whether it provides them the opportunity make their own choices about quality educational or health care options.
At the Antipoverty Forum, you’ll hear from leading policy experts on conservative solutions for welfare, education, and health care that will do just that. And you’ll witness frontline stories of why relational efforts at the community level are so powerful for bringing real change to the lives of those in need.
COMMENTARY 5 min read
COMMENTARY 34 min read
COMMENTARY 6 min read