The Power Hour

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The Power Hour

A weekly podcast on the top energy and environment policy issues with the nation’s top experts


The Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment’s (CECE) Power Hour, hosted by Jack Spencer, brings together leading experts to discuss a wide range of timely and critical issues in energy, climate, and the environment. If you support unleashing abundant and affordable domestic energy, combatting climate alarmism, and advancing environmental policy that respects federalism, property rights, and sound science, then The Power Hour is a must-listen program.

Get your copy of Jack Spencer’s new book: Nuclear Revolution: Powering the Next Generation.

Email [email protected] to let us know your thoughts about the podcast, what you want to hear, and who you’d like us to have as a guest!

SPECIAL EDITION—Regulatory Reset at EPA with Kevin Dayaratna
Join Jack for this special edition of the Power Hour where he interviews Dr. Kevin Dayaratna about the EPA’s recent deregulatory actions to unleash American energy. Along with Andrew, Jack and Kevin discuss how the EPA’s actions impact the electric vehicle mandate, the clean power plan, CO2 regulations, and coal power. Get you copy of Jack’s new book, Nuclear Revolution, make sure to check out our nuclear energy documentary Powering America!, and see the climate science work we talked about here.   

Talking Energy Policy with Andrew Weiss and Austin Gae (Mar 6, 2025)
Jack welcomes a couple of his Heritage Foundation colleagues to the Power Hour for a wide ranging discussion of the latest energy and environmental news. Energy expert Austin Gae, making his second appearance on the Power Hour is joined by Power Hour regular, Andrew Weiss. Andrew steps away from his co-hosting duties and joins us as a guest expert. The trio discuss a bevy of issues—everything from panicking renewable energy advocates to Department of Energy reorganization.  

A Conversation with One of Nuclear Energy’s Leading Thinkers Daniel Stout (Feb 14, 2025)
Join Jack for a wide ranging discussion this week with one of the nuclear industry’s most interesting thinkers and doer, Danial Stout. Dan has worked in the fuel business, for one of the nation’s major nuclear utilities, and held leadership positions in government trying to solve the nation’s nuclear waste issues. He’s led licensing, technology development and permitting efforts. And now he runs Advanced Nuclear Advisors, a firm dedicated to getting new nuclear projects off the ground. There is almost nothing he hasn’t done and we cover nearly all of it in this one podcast. Of course, Jack mentions his new book, Nuclear Revolution. Check out Dan’s firm Advance Nuclear Advisors here

From the Particle to the Planet with Dr. Michael von Spakovsky (Jan 25, 2025)
Put your thinking cap on for this one, folks, and get ready to earn you PhD in thermodynamics!  Jack invites Dr. Michael von Spakovsky to the Power Hour this week for a conversation that combines policy with technical, academic knowledge. Dr. von Spakovsky is a professor at Virginia Tech’s Department of Mechanical Engineering who has spent a career thinking about how complex systems, large and small, work. It turns out that this research can help us to better understand how things like our climate and energy use work. Rather than framing his perspective around political preference or policy, he understands physics. This allows him to see through the political gas lighting and get straight to the facts. You might need listen to this one twice but it will be worth it. You find out more about Dr. von Spakovsky’ s work here

Nuclear Energy for Space Travel (and much more) with Dr. James Howe (Jan 17, 2025)
Jack has a fascinating conversation about nuclear energy this week that you don’t want to miss. He talks with Dr. James Howe, a Coast Guard vet and leading expert on nuclear technology, policy, and industry. This wide-ranging discussion covers everything from challenges facing the nuclear industry to innovative uses for nuclear technology like space travel. Of course, Jack mentions his new book, Nuclear Revolution. Not to be outdone, Dr. Howe fires back with a discussion about his extremely interesting book, Red Crew: Fighting the War on Drugs with Reagan’s Coast Guardwhich you can get here

Living Off the Grid (in Manhattan!) with Josh Spodek (Jan 10, 2025)
Jack interviews Josh Spodek this week who is one of the most interesting people that has graced the Power Hour studio over the past couple of years. Josh is a long-time environmentalist and conservationist (and so much more) who doesn’t just talk about a commitment to the environment but lives it with each decision he makes. Rather than plying guilt or coercion, Josh explains how his choices have made his quality of life better and how we can do the same. You definitely want to check this one out.  You can learn more about Josh’s journey and philosophy from his book, Sustainability Simplified: The Definitive Guide to Understanding and Solving All (Yes, All) of our Environmental Problems, available here for pre order now. 

Saving Lives with Nuclear Technology with Matt Sanford and Michael Hoehn (Jan 6, 2025)
Join Jack and his guests today for an extremely interesting and informative conversation about a part of the nuclear industry that you might not know about: medical and industrial isotopes. The United States once led the world in the production of these critical elements but has fallen way behind in recent decades. Our guests today not only have kept the U.S. on the map with these lifesaving technologies but are working towards making the U.S. a leader once again. Matt Sanford is the executive director at the University of Missouri Research Reactor and Michael Hoehn is the program director for the NextGen MURR. In a nutshell, Matt oversees the production of life saving medical isotopes and other important industrial isotopes at the University of Missouri and Michael is in charge of getting a new reactor built to expand that capacity. This is important work on its own, but that the University of Missouri is one of a handful of labs in the U.S. doing this work makes their work critical. You will learn how these isotopes are produced, distributed and used in this podcast. Our promise to you is that you will be smarter after listening to this one. 

The Power of Free Enterprise and the Promise of Nuclear Energy with Sean Lawrie, Chief Strategy Officer at Lumerra (Dec 12, 2025)
Today’s guest is Sean Lawrie, Chief Strategy Office, Lumerra Corporation. If you like the perspective brought to you by the Power Hour, then you are going to love this conversation. Sean knows nuclear power and the energy sector, and he is using the experience to bring greater efficiency to nuclear operations. No energy source will be successful if it is not economically competitive but with Sean working on the issue, the future of nuclear looks very bright. You will want to tune in to hear his fresh perspective. Oh, and did I mention that you can grab your copy of Nuclear Revolution here. If it’s the thought that counts, Nuclear Revolution the holiday gift that won’t disappoint. 

The Macro Promise of Micro Reactors with NANO Nuclear Energy CEO, James Walker (Dec 5, 2024)
Jack invites NANO Nuclear Energy’s CEO, James Walker to the Power Hour for this episode. We know that we’ve been talking a lot of nuclear energy lately, so if you enjoy that, you will enjoy this. But this conversation is more than just a couple of dudes talking nuclear. James has a very unique perspective on nuclear and his company’s technology is different from what we’ve talked about in the past. Whether you are into nuclear energy or not, you don’t want to miss this fascinating conversation. And don’t forget to pick up your copy of Nuclear Revolution, Jack’s brand new, and some even say “groundbreaking” book. Rather than nighttime reading, we recommend reading a chapter first thing in the morning to really get you going. 

The (Im)morality of the Left’s Environmental Polices with Jay Richards (Nov 13, 2024)
Join Jack for a fascinating conversation the Jay Richards, Director of the DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family at the Heritage Foundation. Jay’s experience in numerous policy areas is interesting—that all of his work is delivered through the lens of Western, Judeo-Christian philosophy is captivating.  And don’t worry. Jack and Jay spend plenty of time talking energy and environment but what else do they discuss? Tune in to find out.  

Breaking Down Washington’s Environmental Overreach with David Kreutzer (Nov 1, 2024)
Jack sits down (or gets down) with energy and environmental policy expert and economist David Kreutzer to talk everything from CO2 regulation to efficiency standards on today’s episode. David is not only Jack’s former colleague, but one of the best communicators on these issues. David has a unique way of breaking down how bad government policy impact you. Check out this episode to learn how, well stupid, much of Washington’s regulation can be and how it impacts you.

Being Proud to Use Petroleum with R. Jay Burr (Oct 24, 2024)
Jack invites Panex Oil and Gas President and CEO R. Jay Burr to the Power Hour this week for a discussion you don’t want to miss. They discuss the importance of petroleum in our everyday lives and why it is key to our high living standards. Rather than accepting the anti-oil propaganda that bombards us every day, Jack and Jay talk about the good petroleum does for those that have access to it and why we should work to increase that access to those that don’t.

Not Your Grandfather’s Coal Industry with Dick Storm (Oct 18, 2024)
Counter to what seems like the rest of the world, Jack loves coal and so does his guest this week, long-time energy industry power player, Richard “Dick” Storm. Dick has been in the energy business for decades an knows a thing or two about coal power, including how clean it actually is and what it means to the U.S. economy. If you want to learn the truth about coal and how the modern coal industry is every bit as advanced as any other energy technology, then you don’t want to miss this one. 

Discussion of His New Novel, Hostile Climate, with Author Jon Pepper (Oct 4, 2024)
Jack is ecstatic to invite author Jon Pepper back to the Powerhour this week to discuss his new novel, Hostile Climate. This is Jon’s second visit to the Powerhour.  Last time he discussed his novel, Missy’s Twitch. Jon expertly weaves real world policy issues into his narratives to present compelling stories that demonstrate the folly of climate alarmism. Jon is not just an accomplished author but brings a career of real-world knowledge to bear, which makes his work entertaining and educational. The result is Hostile Climate, which you can purchase on his website or wherever you get you books

What Global Warming Consensus with Dr. Kevin Dayaratna (Sep 27, 2024)
Join Jack this week for a fascinating conversation with Dr. Kevin Dayaratna, Chief Statistician and Senior Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Jack and Kevin will give you the information you need to push back against the global warming narrative. Learn about the real-world economic impact that we can expect from the radical Green agenda and what their own models say will actually happen if the U.S. drastically reduces carbon dioxide emissions (hint: nothing!) 

The Evolution of Nuclear Energy Policy with Mark Holt (Sep 17, 2024)
Today’s guest brings decades of experience as one of the people responsible for ensuring that our elected members of the House and Senate, and their staffs, have information they need to make informed policy decisions. Mark Holt, Energy Policy Specialist, with the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, brings a unique perspective on nuclear energy policy that you won’t to miss. Jack and Mark discuss how nuclear policy has changed over the years and some of the policy challenges that the technology currently faces

What’s Going on in Energy and Environmental Policy with Daren Bakst (Aug 19, 2024)
Jack finally leaves nuclear energy policy this week with a wide-ranging discussion with one of Washington’s top energy policy thinkers. Daren Bakst, Director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Energy and Environment joins Jack for a discussion on some important Supreme Court decisions, why stopping CO2 regulations must be a top priority, and how the energy subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act harms America’s energy economy.

The American-Japanese Commercial Nuclear Energy Relationship with Energy Policy Legend Bill Martin (Aug 8, 2024)
Jack has a fascinating discussion with energy policy legend Bill Martin this week that you don’t want to miss. Bill has held top government positions in multiple administrations including as Deputy Secretary (and even Acting Secretary) in Ronald Regan’s Department of Energy. More recently, Bill has been central in nurturing the critical relationship between America’s and Japan’s commercial nuclear industries. But those topics only scratch the surface of this discussion.   

Everything You Wanted to Know About Uranium Mining but Were Afraid to Ask with Scott Melbye (Jul 12, 2024)
Join us this week for a fascinating discussion with uranium industry veteran Scott Melbye, Executive Vice President, Uranium Energy Corporation and CEO, Uranium Royalty Corporation. Scott brings decades of perspective to the discussion and reminds us we are going to need a lot of uranium to fuel all of the reactors that we hope to build. Jack and Scott cover the horizon of uranium mining issues, including new technologies that make the practice safer than ever to how American became so dependent on foreign suppliers and how to break that dependence.

Cryptocurrency and Energy Use with Norbert Michel and Nicolas Anthony (Jun 21, 2024)
Jack welcomes the Cato Institute’s Nicolas Anthony back to the Power Hour, who is joined this time by his colleague Norbert Michel, Vice President for Cato’s Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Alternatives.  They pick up their conversation from a few months ago to dig deeper into what actually is cryptocurrency and why does the industry require so much energy.   And of course, no Power Hour episode would be complete without a complete analysis of how government could ruin something good and innovative. You can read more from Anthony and Norbert here and here and on a variety of issues here and following them on socials here and here.  

Checking in With Travis Fisher and Rachael Wilfong on the Power Hour’s Anniversary (Jun 14, 2024)
This week Jack invites old friends Travis Fisher, now the Director for Energy and Environmental Studies at the Cato Institute and Rachael Wilfong, back to the podcast to help celebrate the Power Hour’s first year in existence. You will have to listen to find out what Rachael is doing now. For our long-time listeners you will remember Travis and Rachael as our early co-hosts who helped get the Power Hour going. Join us for this episode for an entertaining mixture of energy analysis and reminiscing. You can see more of what Travis has been up to here

Will the U.S. and South Korean Commercial Nuclear Partnership Lead a Nuclear Renaissance with Florence Lowe-Lee (Jun 6, 2024)
This week Jack welcomes Founder and President of the Global America Business Institute (GABI), Florence Lowe-Lee to the Power Hour. Jack and Florence discuss how the decades long partnership that the U.S. has developed with South Korea on commercial nuclear energy issues yields immense strategic and economic benefits to both countries. Did you know that South Korea provided some of the most important components to America’s newest reactors or that South Korea’s commercial nuclear export business creates thousands of U.S. jobs? You will know that and a lot more after hearing this great episode. Check out GABI’s website here to learn more about their great work. 

Nuclear Power’s Past, Present and Future with Ed Davis (May 28, 2024)
Jack invites one of the nation’s leading experts on commercial nuclear energy, Edward Davis, to the Power Hour this week. With decades of experience in industry and government, Ed brings a unique perspective to nuclear energy policy that you won’t want to miss.  Jack and Ed cover everything from nuclear waste policy to new reactor finance to why the promise of a nuclear renaissance remains difficult to fulfil despite growing support for the technology. 

Nuclear Energy is Having a Moment and Christine Fletcher Tells Us Why (Apr 19, 2024)
Jack talks this week with Christine Fletcher, Vice President, North American Young Generation in Nuclear about the rising popularity of nuclear energy among Americans in general, and with young Americans specifically. They discuss why the accident at Fukushima may not have had the cultural imprint that past accidents, such as Chernobyl and Three Mile Island had, the economic impact of nuclear energy, and how access to more information is key to changing people’s perception about the technology. NAGYN is a great organization and you can learn more about them here, including links to all of their social media.  

The Green Agenda and Its Impact on the States with Jason Hayes (Apr 3, 2024)
Join Jack this week for a conversation with Jason Hayes, Director of Energy and Environment at the Mackinac Center—a leading state-based research and policy institution. Jack and Jason discuss how Washington talking points on energy policy transform from the theoretical to impacting real lives and businesses on the ground in the states. They talk nuclear energy, Washington’s EV mandate, the electricity grid and a bunch of other topics, including how to pronounce Mackinac. Check out some of Jason’s and Mackinac’s work here and here

Everything You Wanted to Know About Molten Salt Reactors but Were Afraid to Ask (Mar 19, 2024)
Jack is joined today by Flibe Energy’s President and Chief Technologist, Kirk Sorensen. What is Flibe Energy, you ask? Well, it is a leading nuclear technology company that wants to change our lives for the better with their molten salt reactors. And why is it called Flibe? You will have to listen to find out—and to be smarter than all your friends. In all seriousness, you will want to check out this fascinating conversation with one of the most interesting voices in nuclear energy. Once you listen to the podcast (or before), check out this important article by Kirk that explains how nuclear technology is not just critical to energy production but also for the medical community and you will see why Kirk is so passionate about the issue. 

Europe’s Failing “Green” Energy Policies and What we Can Learn (Mar 13, 2024)
Jack is joined today by Rupert Darwall and Power Hour regular, Mario Loyola, to discuss Rupert’s latest report, “The Folly of Climate Leadership: Net zero and Britain’s Disastrous Energy Policies.” Rupert’s report uses facts and numbers, with charts and graphs, to demonstrate the real impact of climate alarmism and his insight, along with Mario’s, provides the information and arguments that you need to understand exactly what is happening in Europe and why we need to fight climate alarmist policies in the U.S. (or wherever you live!)  

Does America Risk Losing its Technological Edge Because of Bad Energy Policy? (Feb 9, 2024)
Jack welcomes Heritage colleagues Annie Chestnut Tudor and Mario Loyola this week to discuss the tech industry and its projected energy requirements. Annie is a leading expert in technology policy and Mario, a recent Power Hour guest, knows more about energy policy than just about anyone. Together, this duo paints a stark picture of what we are facing when juxtaposing the rising energy demand of the tech industry against the energy supply problems we are sure to face with Biden’s green energy agenda.

Is America Heading for Blackouts? (Feb 2, 2024)
We are joined today by Isaac Orr of the Center for the American Experiment. Isaac is an expert on the electricity grid and explains how poor policy choices are leading to instability in our electric supplies. In fact, Isaac has done the hard work of modeling out exactly what will happen to our electricity supply if we don’t change course. If you want to know what he found, you’ll have to listen to the Powerhour! But here is a hint: it's not good.

Energy Policy and the Courts: The Legal Cases that You Need to Know About (Jan 26, 2024)
Join Jack this week for a conversation with one of The Heritage Foundation’s top legal experts, Jack Fitzhenry. We often don’t think about the Supreme Court when we think about energy and environmental policy, but we should, because it matters…a lot! You don’t want to miss this discussion on how a number of cases currently before the Supreme Court could have long lasting impact on American energy policy. 

Is the U.S. really dependent on Russian fuel for its nuclear power reactors? (Jan 19, 2024)
Join Jack this week for a conversation with former nuclear industry insider and nuclear fuel expert, CJ Milmoe about America’s dependence on Russian nuclear fuel. While the U.S. was quick to ban Russian oil and natural gas imports after Putin’s invasion into Ukraine, it remains dependent on Russian low enriched uranium to power its commercial nuclear reactors. Jack and CJ discuss why this remains the case and what can and is being done about it.

Energy and Human Flourishing (Dec 29, 2023)
Join Jack this week for a conversation with Heritage Foundation experts Kevin Dayaratna and Miles Pollard on their new report, Powering Human Advancement: Why the World Needs Reliable and Affordable Energy. The timely report presents in clear terms how access to affordable energy is a key ingredient of human flourishing and how threatening that access will impact human progress. Kevin and Miles don’t just make the arguments but use charts and graphs to present the data.  The entire report can be found here

The Conservative Conservationist (Dec 22, 2023)
Gabriella Hoffman, Director, Center for Energy and Conservation at the Independent Women's Forum joins Jack this week for a discussion on how conservatives are the real conservationists and why conservative values provide the best environmental policy outcomes. They cover a wide spectrum of issues including wildlife preservation, land use, the proper role of government, and the major statutes governing federal environmental policy. And there might even be a little hunting and fishing thrown in there. If you like the outdoors and want to make sure that we conserve those resources for years you come, you don't want to miss this one.

AI & Human Flourishing: A Pipe Dream? (Dec 15, 2023)
Artificial intelligence is poised to transform our country. While we expect AI to enhance productivity and engender other workplace and lifestyle benefits, widespread adoption could also threaten many pillars of society we take for granted. Join The Heritage Foundation as we convene an expert panel to discuss the core risks policymakers should consider as they debate the next frontier of technological advancement. Expert commentary on AI will cover child exploitation, the Chinese Communist Party, surveillance and data harvesting, online censorship, and anti-competitive behavior.

Free Markets, Free People, and a Clean Environment (Dec 6, 2023)
Jack sits down with the one and only Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise Institute.  Jack and Myron undertake a wide-ranging discussion on everything from the United Nation’s climate conference process to why government so often fails on energy and environmental policy.  As one of the most impactful voices on conservative environmental policy, the Left hates him (or actually respects him) and you won’t want to miss him.  

Why the Fifth National Assessment on Climate Change is Extremely Problematic (Nov 22, 2023)
Jack invites Mario Loyola, Senior Research Fellow at Heritage, Director, Environmental Law and Rish Management, Institute of Environment, Florida International University, and former Trump White House alum to discuss the recently published Fifth National Assessment on Climate Change. As you will learn, the Biden Administration’s take on global warming is even more extreme than the International Panel on Climate Change—and that’s saying something. 

What a Carbon Tariff Means for You (Nov 17, 2023)
Jack and Mike McKenna, President of MWR Strategies and Heritage Foundation Visiting Fellow discuss a recently introduced bill that would establish a tariff, or should we say tax, on imported items. The bill’s sponsors insist the tariff is not a tax but Mike and Jack’s analysis suggests otherwise. But the problem with the carbon tariff is not just that it will increase prices for American families and businesses, it establishes an important foundation on which more carbon dioxide-based regulation will surely be built.

Your Energy Security and Turmoil in the Middle East (Oct 26, 2023)
Jack talks with the Heritage Foundation’s Vicotria Coates, Vice President, Katheryn and Shelby Cullum Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy about the energy security implications of Hamas’ attack on Israel. Having held senior positions on the National Security Council and the Department Energy, Victoria brings a deep and unique understanding of the connection between energy and security policy. As the conversation unfolds, Jack and Vicotria address issues outside of the Middle East conflict, including how Ukraine and Taiwan fit into the energy security picture.

How Bad Energy Policy is Driving Us to Energy Scarcity (Oct 18, 2023)
Jack invites long-time energy policy and industry leader, David Walsh, Managing Director, Takotagroup to discuss the current state of energy policy, how we got to where we are and where the current policy trajectory will lead us. David’s perspective is informed by decades of experience working for some the world’s largest energy companies like Mitsubishi and Westinghouse. We talk coal, nuclear, natural gas and renewables. If you want to connect the dots of how the misinformed energy policies of today will take the United States from energy abundance to energy scarcity, you will want to tune in for this one.

Celebrating Energy Appreciation Day with Mandy Gunasekara (Oct 11, 2023)
In this episode, Jack talks with Mandy Gunasekara, Director, Center for Energy and Conservation at the Independent Women’s Forum and Visiting Fellow at the Heritage Foundation about Energy Appreciation Day and why we should all take some time to thank the men and women in the energy industry. They discuss how everything we do in our day to day lives doesn’t happen without energy and why so many current policies today make their jobs more difficult. Mandy also tells some behind the scenes stories about her time at the Environmental Protection Agency and how she worked to better align EPA with the needs of the American people.

The Road to a Clean Environment Runs Through Prosperity (Oct 6, 2023)
In this episode, Jack sits down with The Heritage Foundation's Anthony Kim, Research Fellow and editor of The Index of Economic Freedom to discuss the relationship between strong economies and clean environments. Anthony walks us through what the data says about the topic and demonstrates without question that free economies produce clean well as a bunch of other benefits! 

Special Edition: What’s Going on With This Government Shutdown (er, slowdown)? (Sep 27, 2023)
Sometimes we step outside of our comfort zone to bring you analysis of a pressing current event or news story. In this episode, Jack sits down with Richard Stern, Director of the Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget at The Heritage Foundation to discuss what’s going on with the potential budget impasse and government shutdown. He helps us to understand what is (or more accurately, what is not) at stake. He tells us how we got here and what we need to do moving forward.

Keep Fighting EV Mandates! (Sep 27, 2023)
In this episode, Jack invites Derrick Morgan, Executive Vice President of The Heritage Foundation to continue our conversation about why EV mandates are bad for American families and businesses. Derrick has a diverse career in policy and energy and provides important perspective on this critical issue and more, so you don’t want to miss this one. Don’t forget to check out to learn more about what you can do to save our cars! 

SAVE OUR CARS! (Sep 19, 2023)
In this episode, Jack invites Tom Pyle, President of the Institute for Energy Research and American Energy Alliance to the Power Hour. In addition to his day job, Tom has just rolled out a major coalition effort to fight back against the Biden Administration’s efforts to regulate internal combustion engine cars, i.e. gas driven, out of reach for most Americans. Jack and Tom discuss what is going on and how you can help to stop it. After listening to the podcast, make sure to check out Tom’s effort at

The Green Breakdown: A Discussion with Author Steve Goreham (Sep 13, 2023)
In this episode, Jack invites Steve Goreham, author of the newly published book Green Breakdown: The Coming Renewable Energy Failure, to the program. Jack and Steve discuss global warming facts versus fiction, the impact on electricity prices of renewable energy, and what could the economic consequences be of a so-called green transition, amongst many other topics. After listening to the podcast, check out Steve’s new book Green Breakdown!

Fusion: The Other Solar Energy (Sep 5, 2023)
In this episode, Jack invites Jeffery Merrifield, former Presidential appointee to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and current Partner at the Pillsbury law firm, to the program. Jack and Jeff discuss everything from fusion’s economic viability and regulatory structure to why its safe and attractive to private investors. We even do a little comparing and contrasting to fission nuclear energy. 

Talking Energy Policy with Heritage Foundation President Dr. Kevin Roberts (Aug 29, 2023)
This is a good one folks! In this episode, Jack invites Heritage Foundation President, Dr. Kevin Roberts to the show. Jack and Dr. Roberts discuss everything from the immorality of green energy policies to the critical role of hydrocarbons to America’s broad economic success, as well as to the health of local communities. We learn about how growing up around the energy industry impacted Dr. Roberts’ worldview and why he thinks energy will remain a critical issue for The Heritage Foundation moving forward. 

Should Government Support Coal? (Aug 23, 2023)
In this episode, host Jack Spencer invites former Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, Steven Winberg to the show. Steve’s insight is informed by decades of energy industry experience. Making this podcast a little spicier than usual is that while Jack and Steve agree on most issues, there are some areas where they engage in some good, old-fashioned debate—respectfully of course!

Talking Energy Economics with Steve More (Aug 15, 2023)
In this episode, host Jack Spencer invites economist, author, commentator and Distinguished Heritage Fellow, Stephen Moore to the show. Tune in to hear about Steve’s experience working with President Trump and why Biden’s energy policies will leave us all worse off. We also introduce a new voice to the program. You’ll have to tune in to find out who.

A Conservative Man in a Liberal World (and another farewell) (Aug 4, 2023)
In this episode, hosts Jack Spencer and Travis Fisher invite Daniel Simmons, former Assistant Secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the Department of Energy and energy policy extraordinaire. Among other issues, we discuss how Dan resolved his personal views on energy policy as a limited government conservative with leading one of the least conservative operations in the U.S. government. As expected, Dan brought a thoughtful, principled, and humble approach to his job. I concluded we need more Dans. 

An Ode to Growth—Bigger Economies, Higher Population, and More Energy! (Jul 18, 2023)
In this week’s episode, hosts Jack Spencer and Travis Fisher host Alex Gage, Research Assistant at the Heritage Foundation, to talk about an upcoming report on the interplay between population growth, energy, and the environment. When today’s politicians claim the world is becoming an unlivable place, how does that impact the families of the future? Report co-authors Alex and Travis discuss their research, including the many ways climate alarmists try to scare us into shrinking our economies and our families.

Coal’s Place in America’s Electricity Grid (Jul 11, 2023)
In this episode, hosts Jack Spencer and Travis Fisher invite Michelle Bloodworth, President and CEO of America’s Power, to discuss the future of coal and the impact of energy policy on coal-fired power plants in the U.S. Coal provides low-cost and reliable electricity, but new federal regulations threaten to shut down America’s coal plants. Find out more by tuning in!

America’s Reemergence as a Commercial Nuclear Leader (Jun 20, 2023)
In this episode, hosts Jack Spencer and Travis Fisher invite Todd Abrajano, President and CEO of the United States Nuclear Industry Council to discuss the American nuclear industry’s role in the reemergence of commercial nuclear power around the world. Once the undisputed global leader in the commercial nuclear energy game, the U.S. may have lost a step in recent decades, but as Jack and Travis discuss with Todd, America is roaring back and ready to go.

How the Debt Limit Deal Disappointed on Energy Policy (Jun 14, 2023)
In this episode, hosts Jack Spencer and Travis Fisher invite Richard Stern, Director of the Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget at The Heritage Foundation, to discuss the recent debt limit deal in Congress, its impact on American families, and the many ways the federal government uses energy and environmental policy to take away your wealth and your freedoms. 

Take Your Stinking Paws off My Gas Stove (June 7, 2023)
In this episode, hosts Jack Spencer, Travis Fisher, and Rachael Wilfong invite Stuart Saulters, Vice President of Government Relations with the American Public Gas Association to discuss how local, state, and federal regulation are reducing consumer choice and increasing prices for appliances and other large-household goods. And it’s about to get much worse! Perhaps most importantly, we say good-bye to Rachael. You’ll have to listen to see where she is going and why. 

The Straight Scoop on Climate Change (May 31, 2023)
In this episode, hosts Jack Spencer, Travis Fisher, and Rachael Wilfong invite Dr. Roy Spencer, Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, former Senior Scientist for Climate at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, and author of Climate Confusion, to discuss the facts about global warming and climate change. This important conversation clears away the hyperbole surrounding the climate debate and presents the facts from a professional whose career has been spent studying the issue. Check out Dr. Spencer’s website for even more information.

When It Comes to Energy Policy, More Government Means More Problems (May 23, 2023)
In this episode, hosts Jack Spencer, Travis Fisher, and Rachael Wilfong invite Nick Loris, Vice President of Public Policy at C3 Solutions to discuss how government intervention into energy markets leaves Americans with fewer choices, higher prices, and often, worse environmental outcomes. We cover an array of issues in this episode, ranging from government’s role in energy research and development to how bad public policy can result in less innovation and competition. Though we all agree with the general premise that freer energy markets are better, if you listen in, you will hear a little debate during this one.

What You Need to Know About Biden’s Cryptocurrency Energy Tax (May 16, 2023)
In this episode, hosts Jack Spencer, Travis Fisher, and Rachael Wilfong chat with cryptocurrency expert, Nicolas Anthony of the Cato Institute about President Biden’s latest absurd idea to empower Washington at the expense of us: taxing the energy used to produce cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin. We begin the conversation with a discussion about what exactly is cryptocurrency and how does it relate to energy. Then we dig deep into why we should care that Biden wants to impose a major energy tax on the technology.  

Talking Trade, Energy, and the Environment With Shanker Singham and Alden Abbott (May 11, 2023)
In this special episode, hosts Jack Spencer and Rachael Wilfong sit down with trade experts Shanker Singham and Alden Abbott to talk about their new book, Trade, Competition, and Domestic Regulatory Policy: Trade Liberalization, Competitive Markets and Property Rights Protection. The guests not only explain how energy trade helps American consumers and industry, but also how it leads to better environmental outcomes. We also take on tough issues like free trade vs managed trade, and how to resolve the benefits of free trade with the costs of trade with countries like China.

Why You Should Care About America’s Oil and National Gas with Western Energy Alliance President, Kathleen Sgamma (May 9, 2023)
In this week’s episode, hosts Jack Spencer, Travis Fisher and Rachael Wilfong talk with Kathleen Sgamma, oil and natural gas expert and President of the Western Energy Alliance. As President Biden works to impose his green dreams on us, the men and women of America’s gas and oil industry continue to provide American families and businesses with the energy they need to run a modern, industrial society. Tune in to this episode to learn exactly how those resources get from the field to our cars and homes, how prices are determined, and what we need to do to ensure we all have continued access to the energy we need at affordable prices.

Diving Deep into Nuclear Safety and Regulation with American Nuclear Society CEO, Craig Piercy (May 2, 2023)
In this week’s episode, hosts Jack Spencer, Travis Fisher and Rachael Wilfong talk with Craig Piercy, nuclear energy policy expert and CEO of the American Nuclear Society. We carry forward our nuclear energy conversation this week with deep dives on nuclear safety and regulation. If you want to know the truth about nuclear energy safety and how the industry is regulated, you don’t want to miss this one.

Electricity and Your Home: The Shocking Details! (Apr 25, 2023)
In this week’s episode, hosts Jack Spencer, Travis Fisher and Rachael Wilfong talk with Dan Dolan, electricity market expert and President of the New England Power Generators Association. We cover everything from how resources like coal and natural gas are turned into electricity for our homes, to the challenges that electricity producers face in today’s policy environment, to who is ultimately responsible for when the lights go out. 

You Have Questions. We Have Answers! (Apr 18, 2023)
In this week’s episode, hosts Jack Spencer, Travis Fisher and Rachael Wilfong address some listener questions from The Power Hour inbox. Tune in for discussions on the federal government’s latest land use grab, electric grid reliability, and OPEC. 

An Insiders View of Energy Policy With Mike McKenna (Apr 11, 2023)
This week’s guest is long-time energy policy insider and President of MWR Strategies, Mike McKenna. With experience working in the private sector and in government at both the state and federal level, no one knows energy policy like Mike. If you want to know the latest on energy policy, you don’t want to miss this one!

What’s Up With Nuclear Energy (Apr 4, 2023)
Our guest this week is nuclear energy expert, Paul Dickman from Argonne National Laboratory. In this week’s episode we discuss why nuclear energy is critical to America’s energy future, some history behind the technology, and the policy issues that have yet to be resolved. If you are interested in nuclear energy, you don’t want to miss this one!

Costly New Jersey Wind Turbines Won’t Lower Global Emissions (Mar 30, 2023)
We are joined this week by Heritage Senior Statistician and Data Scientist, Kevin Dayaratna to discuss his (and Power Hour host Travis Fisher’s) new research showing why New Jersey’s plans to build a massive offshore wind farm makes no sense for energy security, economic strength, or the environment. If you want to know the real story behind Big Green’s energy agenda, you don’t want to miss this one?

The Power Hour With Jack Spencer, Travis Fisher and Special Guest Bernie McNamee (Mar 23, 2023)
Welcome to the inaugural episode of The Power Hour, a podcast by the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Energy, Climate and Environment. Hosted by Jack Spencer and Travis Fisher, the Power Hour is a weekly podcast that discusses the week’s top energy and environment policy issues with the nation’s top experts. Our special guest this week is energy lawyer, former Department of Energy Official and former FERC Commissioner, Bernie McNamee. We start this week with a discussion about energy policy in general, and then do a deeper dive into electricity markets. And there might be a few other interesting nuggets as well. Listen to find out!

The Supreme Court’s Pending WOTUS Decision: Is Clarity Finally Coming for Property Owners? (Jan 23, 2023)
What waters can be regulated as “navigable waters” under the Clean Water Act? This seemingly simple question has been anything but simple, with decades of federal overreach by the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers. As property owners, from farmers to homebuilders know all too well, there is massive confusion. This confusion is largely due to the government applying vague and subjective definitions of regulated waters, including what is meant by “waters of the United States” or WOTUS. In many instances, property owners may unwittingly violate the government’s often changing and inconsistent application of the CWA, and this can lead to harsh civil and criminal penalties. The good news is the U.S. Supreme Court could provide some clarity in a case called Sackett v. EPA. In this latest edition of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment’s PowerCast, Daren Bakst, host of the PowerCast and Senior Research Fellow in Environmental Policy and Regulation, is joined by Charles Yates, an attorney at the Pacific Legal Foundation, the organization representing the Sacketts, to help explain the WOTUS issue, the Sackett case, and recent developments, including the Biden administration publishing yet another final WOTUS rule.

What You Need to Know About Nuclear Power (Dec 12, 2022)
Nuclear power is an underutilized form of energy production that is safe, reliable, and provides emissions-free electricity. It has potential to help provide much-needed affordable electricity to people all over the world. Unfortunately, it is also deeply misunderstood, and scare tactics and myths are prevalent. In this latest edition of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment’s PowerCast, Daren Bakst, host of the PowerCast and Senior Research Fellow in Environmental Policy and Regulation, is joined by Ed McGinnis, former acting Assistant Secretary for the Office of Nuclear Energy at the Department of Energy, and currently CEO of Curio, and Jack Spencer, Senior Research Fellow, Energy and Environmental Policy at The Heritage Foundation, to discuss nuclear power, including its importance and challenges.

Embracing Private and Local Solutions to Environmental Challenges (Nov 16, 2022)
Unfortunately, too many people assume that to address environmental issues, there needs to be one-size-fits-all federal solutions. This is a harmful fallacy. To achieve genuine positive environmental outcomes, policymakers need to respect state and local solutions, and they definitely need to respect private citizens who are using many innovative ideas to improve the environment. In this latest edition of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment’s PowerCast, Daren Bakst, host of the PowerCast and Senior Research Fellow in Environmental Policy and Regulation, is joined by Todd Myers, Environmental Director of the Washington Policy Center in Seattle, to discuss how private innovation is making a real difference to address environmental challenges.

An Unauthorized Campaign Against the Internal Combustion Engine (Nov 1, 2022)
California has adopted regulations that would ban new internal combustion engine vehicle sales beginning in 2035. If EPA grants a waiver from Clean Air Act preemption to California to implement these regulations, then in 12 years, say goodbye to buying new gas and diesel-powered cars in the Golden State. But this campaign against the internal combustion engine isn’t all about California. The EPA through its motor vehicle emission standards and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration through its fuel economy standards are trying to transform the nation’s vehicle fleet, shifting it away from gas and diesel-powered vehicles and towards electric vehicles. Even worse, Congress hasn’t authorized the agencies to take such action. In this latest edition of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment’s PowerCast, Daren Bakst, host of the PowerCast and Senior Research Fellow in Environmental Policy and Regulation, is joined by Justin Schwab, former Deputy General Counsel at the EPA, and the founder of CGCN Law, and Derrick Morgan, Executive Vice President of the Heritage Foundation, to discuss these critical threats to freedom, consumer choice, and separation of powers.

Energy Cautionary Tales from the EU and UK: Lessons for the United States (Oct 4, 2022)
U.S. policymakers don’t need a crystal ball to get a good idea of the impact from Green New Deal-type policies and a war on conventional fuels.  We are seeing these impacts now right here in the U.S.  But lessons can also be learned from the experiences of the EU and UK, who are further down this misguided path of attacking reliable and abundant energy, all in the name of climate change and other alleged environmental objectives.  In this latest edition of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment’s PowerCast, leading experts discuss EU and UK energy policy, what has been the result of these policies (including the horror stories), and what lessons the U.S. should take from their experience.

Government Efforts to Dictate What You Drive: What You Need to Know (Sep 1, 2022)
For decades, many conservatives have warned that environmental extremists are trying to use the government to dictate, among other things, how you live, where you live, what you eat, and what you drive.  Recent developments have certainly shown they want to dictate what you want to drive.  From the so-called Inflation Reduction Act and its push for electric vehicles, California’s efforts to ban new gas-fueled cars, to the extreme federal fuel efficiency standards, the far left wants Americans to stop driving gas-powered cars, with little to no regard for the harm such policies will impose upon Americans.  In this latest edition of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment’s PowerCast, leading experts discuss these recent developments, the harmful impact of these efforts, and the elitism and arrogance of some who think they know better than Americans themselves as to what they should drive.

Conservative Energy Policy After the Inflation Reduction Act (Aug 17, 2022)
The so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” has now become law, with the House and Senate passing the legislation on purely partisan lines. No Republican voted in favor of the bill, which includes a Green New Deal wish list, spending $369 billion on energy and climate programs. What does the left get wrong with this bill and its energy and climate agenda? What should conservatives do to have a bold and proactive agenda that gets things right? In this latest edition of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment’s PowerCast, leading energy experts answer these questions and help to lay out key principles that should inform conservative energy policy.

Energy, Climate, and the Inflation Reduction Act (August 4, 2022)
The Senate is expected to consider a reconciliation bill misleadingly named the Inflation Reduction Act. The overall spending for the climate and energy provisions of the bill is a whopping $369 billion. The legislation, which is an effort to centrally plan energy use and production, promotes a Green New Deal wish list for far-left extremists, from their favored electricity generation, vehicles, to agricultural practices. In this latest edition of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment’s PowerCast, leading experts discuss what’s in the bill, its harmful policies, and why the bill wouldn’t help with inflation but would in fact make matters worse.

Dispelling Myths About Gas Prices: Lessons from Across the Oil Supply Chain (July 20, 2022)
Major costs and obstacles impacting the entire oil supply chain, from oil producers, refiners, to gas stations, are driving up gas prices. Understanding the oil supply chain and its challenges helps to better understand the causes of high gas prices. In the latest edition of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment’s PowerCast, leading experts discuss issues such as onshore and offshore leasing, pipelines, refining, and basic economics affecting prices. They dispel harmful myths about gas prices, such as alleged price gouging, and also identify some of the Biden administration policies driving up gas prices.

West Virginia v. EPA: Initial Insight and Analysis (July 6, 2022)
The United States Supreme Court, in a 6-3 opinion, held that the EPA’s Clean Power Plan wasn’t authorized under the Clean Air Act. Under this rule, the agency was trying to dictate how the entire country generates electricity, mandating a shift from conventional energy to renewable energy. In this debut edition of the Center for Energy, Climate and Environment’s PowerCast, leading experts discuss the case, its implications on energy and regulation, the major questions doctrine, and restoring representative government.

Email [email protected] to let us know your thoughts about the podcast, what you want to hear, and who you’d like us to have as a guest!