The President’s Message

The President’s Message

The Heritage Foundation is fighting for America


The radical left and the rising tide of socialism pose a dire threat to America’s future. Now more than ever, the people of this nation need a champion fighting the left’s agenda.

Every day, The Heritage Foundation fights for America—for individual liberty, limited government, free enterprise, traditional American values, and a strong national defense to protect at all. Our world-renowned experts develop conservative solutions to America’s biggest issues—from creating more jobs, improving the economy, and building stronger families to securing our borders, making health care more affordable, and so much more.

But unlike so many other organizations in Washington, D.C., our focus isn’t on putting more power into the hands of government, it’s on returning power to the people. Our job is about working on behalf of the American people, not on behalf of any special interest or political party.

But we can’t do it alone. It's only through our Heritage members that we have the ability to engage on all these fronts and continue to fight for America. That’s why we invite you to stand with us—because there’s too much at stake to stand on the sidelines.

The Kevin Roberts Show

Each episode of The Kevin Roberts Show is a weekly rallying cry for lovers of freedom everywhere, packed with Dr. Roberts’ analysis on the issues of the day and deep conversations with the movers and shakers of American politics and culture. And all of it backed by the academic excellence of The Heritage Foundation.

Don’t Let the Left Ruin Juneteenth’s True Meaning
merica on Wednesday will celebrate Juneteenth as a federal holiday for the fourth time. Yet the holiday, born out of bipartisanship, is becoming more divisive each year. The left has co-opted Juneteenth to push for radical racial policies like reparations and exclude most Americans from its celebration. As a result, many conservatives now oppose the federal holiday. Read the commentary.

PaPa Pete’s Patriachy 
Smash the patriarchy.” That was the rallying cry of many progressives in the wake of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 election. They assumed this new president would drag the country back in time to Reagan’s America, or some unspecified sinister time. Women would suffer the consequences. They were wrong, of course, but not just about Trump. They were wrong about the nature of patriarchy and its relationship to the American way of life. Read the commentary.

Biden’s Housing Headache 
President Joe Biden promised to lower housing costs during his State of the Union address earlier this spring. To date, his plan has been an utter failure. Read the commentary.

The Heritage Foundation Responds to Wrongful Conviction in President Donald J. Trump’s Trial
This verdict is a travesty to our republic. This was a bogus prosecution engineered by President Biden and his weaponized DOJ that has made the New York justice system look like that of a third-world country where government officials engage in partisan prosecutions against their political opponents. Read the statement.

Ukraine Aid Packages Leave Many Unanswered Questions
It didn't even last a month. In late April, Congress waved Ukraine's colors once again while appropriating another $60 billion for the Ukraine war. Within days, though, the same people who pushed for the package on the Hill, in the White House, and throughout the Washington establishment began saying our aid wouldn't be enough for Ukraine to stop Russian advances. They're already beating the drum for more support. Read the commentary.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts

Dec 1, 2021
