Administration Doing the "Right Thing" Labeling North Korea a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Administration Doing the "Right Thing" Labeling North Korea a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Nov 20, 2017 1 min read

Today, the Trump administration announced it is designating North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism, officially adding the rogue nation back to the State Sponsors of Terrorism List for the first time since the Bush administration removed it. Bruce Klingner released the following statement after the announcement: 

“Washington has long needed to do the right thing and re-designate North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism. Doing so is a proper and pragmatic response to North Korea’s repeated violation of U.S. statutes, and will have a tangible impact on the regime’s ability to finance its destabilizing activities in the region and around the world. North Korea’s repeated, deadly actions legally constitute terrorist acts and justify the Trump administration’s decision to return the rogue nation to the State Sponsors of Terrorism List. Much-deserved global attention on North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons must not cause us to lose sight of its terrorist activity and gross violations of human rights.”