“Amnesty Is Not Infrastructure:” Heritage Foundation Releases New Video on Biden Border Crisis

“Amnesty Is Not Infrastructure:” Heritage Foundation Releases New Video on Biden Border Crisis

Aug 2, 2021 4 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation today released a new video highlighting the effort by radical leftists in Congress and the White House to use the current infrastructure debate to ram through a massive amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. The White House has called on Congress to include amnesty in a reconciliation package, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said the Senate will not move such a reconciliation package without the bipartisan infrastructure package currently under debate. 

The Biden border crisis seems to reach new heights every day. CBP has recorded more than 173,000 apprehensions for four months in a row, with no signs of a slowdown. New footage this weekend shows upwards of 1,000 illegal aliens being held by Border Patrol under a bridge in Mission, Texas, simply because CBP has nowhere else to hold them. They are then delivered by the busload every 15 minutes to advocacy groups that receive American taxpayer money to quickly and quietly process them. 

This massive influx of illegal aliens also represents a massive public health threat, especially for border communities. Townhall’s Julio Rosas tweeted video this weekend of a group of 150 illegal aliens being detained, in which he reported “a lot of sneezing and coughing among the group.” Almost none of these individuals are vaccinated and the massive crowds coming to the border make the spread of the virus more likely, endangering not just those coming to the border, but Border Patrol agents and U.S. citizens in the towns and cities across America where the Biden administration is resettling these illegal aliens, at U.S. taxpayer expense.   

All of this is happening as Congress moves closer to passing an amnesty proposal that would give tens of millions of illegal aliens the greatest prize of all: American citizenship as a reward for their lawbreaking. They’re planning to do so by using the infrastructure measures being debated as a Trojan horse, as Heritage’s new video explains.   

Heritage Visiting Fellow and former Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf told Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo Monday, “The idea that the Biden White House or the Democrats in Congress are talking about amnesty right now, that is only going to fuel this fire on the border that we have. If we pass an amnesty bill, or amnesty provisions in an infrastructure package, you’re going to see more and more folks coming to that border. You’re going to have a crisis on top of a crisis, and it’s certainly the wrong approach.” 

James Carafano, Heritage vice president for national security and foreign policy, said, “The American people rightly feel that they have lost their voice in Washington to lawmakers who no longer listen to them or represent their best interests. This push for mass amnesty is just the latest example. Even worse is the left’s attempt to ram this amnesty through without open and honest debate by abusing arcane parliamentary rules. Americans concerned by Biden’s border crisis should make clear to their representatives in Washington that any passage of amnesty is unacceptable.” 

To watch and share the video:  

To read Heritage’s new fact sheet on the infrastructure debate and amnesty: Amnesty Is Not Infrastructure 

For more information on the Biden border crisis, visit Heritage’s resource at TheBidenBorderCrisis.com. The website chronicles in one place the various actions the Biden administration has taken to open America’s southern border, undermine the rule of law, and mislead Americans about what is happening at the border.