Carafano: “Amnesty Should Not Be Part of Any Border Security Deal”

Carafano: “Amnesty Should Not Be Part of Any Border Security Deal”

“The United States is facing a humanitarian and security crisis on our border and it’s time for action. The Trump administration should be applauded for its attempts to both secure our border and end the government shutdown."

Jan 19, 2019 1 min read

Washington, D.C.–James Carafano, vice president of The Heritage Foundation’s Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy, released the following response Saturday to Pres. Trump’s proposed immigration deal:

“The United States is facing a humanitarian and security crisis on our border and it’s time for action. The Trump administration should be applauded for its attempts to both secure our border and end the government shutdown.


“However, including amnesty in the new proposal is not the way to do it. Amnesty encourages further illegal immigration, incentivizes the tragedy of human trafficking, and undermines our citizens' confidence in the rule of law. Amnesty should not be part of any border security deal, especially given that many who today oppose a wall have publicly supported and even voted for physical barriers in the recent past.


“Unlike many in Washington, President Trump has shown himself to be serious about securing the border and fixing our broken immigration system. For this he is to be commended. However, the proposed compromise is not the best way forward.”