Correcting the Record: Heritage’s Relationship with Hungary

Correcting the Record: Heritage’s Relationship with Hungary

Mar 19, 2024 1 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation today released a statement from President Dr. Kevin Roberts, responding to a false news report about The Heritage Foundation’s relationship with the nation of Hungary.

“In Washington, you can tell you are over the target when the knives start coming out.


“Last week, The New Republic, a dying liberal mouthpiece, launched a baseless attack on The Heritage Foundation, falsely insinuating that Heritage receives funding and direction from the government of Hungary. Not only did the author fail to reach out to Heritage for clarification, but the publication's editors have refused to retract the piece despite our repeated requests.


“Let me be clear: Heritage receives a grand total of zero dollars from foreign governments. Leaders from around the globe come to Heritage and meet with us because of our rigorous research, policy expertise, and leadership of the conservative movement.


“In light of their refusal to uphold basic journalistic standards, we are considering every possible action against The New Republic.


“Heritage is proud of our policy work on foreign policy and national security. We are especially proud of our relationship with Prime Minister Orbán, whose leadership in Hungary on immigration, family policy, and the importance of the nation-state is a model for conservative governance.”