Daily Signal Releases New Documentary on Attacks Against Pregnancy Resource Centers

Daily Signal Releases New Documentary on Attacks Against Pregnancy Resource Centers

Aug 8, 2022 3 min read

WASHINGTON—The Daily Signal, the media outlet of The Heritage Foundation, released a new documentary Monday telling the story of Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center, a pregnancy resource center that was attacked by anti-life radicals shortly after the release of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson overturning Roe v. Wade.  

The documentary, “Why the Rise in Attacks on Pregnancy Resource Centers?”, details how Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center was violently attacked under cover of darkness by vandals who took crowbars to the building’s windows, defaced the building’s exterior, and left threatening messages like ‘If abortion ain’t safe, you ain’t safe’ on the concrete outside the building.  

Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center, in Lynchburg, Virginia, is one of about 60 pro-life organizations attacked by pro-abortion radicals since early May, when someone leaked the Supreme Court’s draft majority opinion in the Dobbs case.  

These centers are a vital resource for women across the country who find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy and don’t know what to do. They provide immense physical and emotional support to young mothers and fathers, from parenting classes to diapers to ultrasounds. Susan Campbell, executive director of the center, explains in the documentary that Blue Ridge and other centers “do not want financial resources to be one reason or any hindrance” in mothers and fathers choosing life over abortion.  

That hasn’t stopped far-left abortion activists from launching slanderous attacks against these centers in earnest since the Dobbs ruling—including Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who recently claimed that organizations like Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center “torture” women, and should be “shut down.”  

Jason Miyares, attorney general for the commonwealth of Virginia, blasts this extremism in the documentary, saying, “Anybody who thinks that it’s OK to vandalize a center that’s aimed at helping women [in] their most desperate needs are cowards by every definition. … They hide behind a mask and they think they’re making a political statement. They’re absolutely victimizing the very women they claim that they’re standing up for.”  

Kevin Roberts, Heritage Foundation president, had the following statement upon release of the documentary:  

“Every human being has the right to life, and those who seek to protect it should be celebrated. Organizations like Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center deserve our unending gratitude for fostering a culture of life in this country, and for their selfless commitment to helping mothers and fathers get the resources they need in their most challenging moments. Those who find themselves facing unplanned pregnancies should be able to count on groups like Blue Ridge being there to help them, whether through offering counseling and parenting classes or providing baby clothes and ultrasounds.  


“Sadly, far too many on the Left have put politics above life and would rather see pregnancy resource centers shut down in service to their radical ideology. It’s critical that outlets like the Daily Signal continue to tell the stories of these essential civic organizations and keep showing the American people the truth about who is on the side of life in our nation.” 

Read more about the documentary here: Inside a Pregnancy Center That Pro-Abortion Vandals Attacked