Former CBP Chief Mark Morgan: Magnus Will Make Biden’s Border Crisis Worse

Former CBP Chief Mark Morgan: Magnus Will Make Biden’s Border Crisis Worse

Dec 7, 2021 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Mark Morgan, former acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Heritage Foundation visiting fellow, released the following statement Tuesday ahead of the Senate vote on Chris Magnus’ nomination to be President Biden’s new CBP commissioner:

“Any senator who votes for Chris Magnus to be the next CBP commissioner is voting to make the historic Biden border crisis even worse. Magnus is simply the wrong person for this critical federal law enforcement position. In recent testimony before this same Senate, he refused to call the crisis what it is—a crisis—and only grudgingly admitted that the Biden administration’s policy of non-enforcement might be driving the crisis. In past testimony, he has called the border wall system a‘medieval’ solution o border security, despite the men and women of CBP across the board saying such a system works. And he simply does not have the professional experience to lead the more than 62,000 men and women of CBP—the largest federal law enforcement agency in the country.


“I was honored to hold this position under the previous administration, and I can tell you, the men and women of CBP want leadership who will empower them to do their jobs and uphold the rule of law. Magnus has shown clearly that he will simply advance the Biden administration’s open-borders policies.”