Heritage and Heritage Action: Sen. Tommy Tuberville Is Right to Oppose Biden’s Push to Promote Abortion in U.S. Military

Heritage and Heritage Action: Sen. Tommy Tuberville Is Right to Oppose Biden’s Push to Promote Abortion in U.S. Military

Mar 29, 2023 2 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action for America today commended Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., for leading the charge against the Biden administration’s radical plan to promote abortion through the Department of Defense.

Tuberville announced in February he would block the confirmations of U.S. military flag and general officers, as well as civilian nominees, until the Biden administration reverses its agenda of making the Pentagon an abortion facilitator.

Heritage Foundation President Dr. Kevin Roberts made the following statement Wednesday about Tuberville’s courageous stand:

“The U.S. military exists to ensure our nation’s security and protect the lives of the future generations of American citizens—not end them through the barbaric and evil practice of abortion. Americans don’t want their tax dollars funding abortion. For decades, until the radical policies of the Biden-Harris regime, there was bipartisan consensus among lawmakers on this point.

“It takes courage to stand up to the Washington establishment, and that’s exactly what Sen. Tommy Tuberville is doing. The Heritage Foundation is proud to stand alongside him and asks all U.S. senators to do the same until the Defense Department’s radical abortion policy ends.

“Additionally, House lawmakers should hold oversight hearings on the legality of this Defense Department initiative, which Biden officials admit will increase the number of taxpayer-funded abortions from 20 to more than 4,000 each year. That’s unconscionable.”

Heritage Action for America Executive Director Jessica Anderson added the following statement:

“Not only is the Defense Department’s policy to facilitate taxpayer-funded abortions completely out of touch with the American people and their values, but it is also dangerously counterproductive to the Pentagon’s goals of protecting national security and deterring war. Especially with rising threats from adversaries like China, the last things the American people want the Defense Department to focus on are facilitating abortions or pushing a Left-wing political agenda.

“Unless senators fight back, this policy will dramatically increase taxpayer-funded abortions and potentially threaten the lives of thousands of unborn children. Heritage Action and grassroots Americans across the country applaud Sen. Tuberville for taking a courageous stand to defend life, and we encourage all senators to join his efforts to end the Defense Department’s radical abortion-for-all policy.”

Roberts and Anderson were among the 23 conservative pro-life leaders who signed a coalition letter supporting Tuberville in March. A public opinion survey in January conducted by the Marist Poll and commissioned by the Knights of Columbus revealed that 54% of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion.

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