Heritage Expert: Biden’s Pandering to Abortion Industry Puts Women’s Lives at Risk

Heritage Expert: Biden’s Pandering to Abortion Industry Puts Women’s Lives at Risk

Jul 8, 2022 1 min read

WASHINGTON—President Biden today signed an executive order that disregards women’s safety by pushing chemical abortion pills and abortion tourism.

Roger Severino, vice president of domestic policy at The Heritage Foundation, released the following statement in response:

“Rather than acknowledge that Americans consistently reject abortion on demand through all nine months, President Biden’s executive order doubles down on abortion extremism. Expanding the reach of deadly abortion pills, bullying non-profits that help women choose life, and instructing people to refuse to cooperate with law enforcement proves that this administration is in the pocket of an abortion industry desperate to keep its profit centers afloat.

“The Heritage Foundation applauds dozens of states that are moving to protect as many innocent human lives as possible. The pro-life movement won’t let an abusive federal government undermine the cause of saving babies and helping women and families.

“Because some radical states are following Biden’s lead on abortion, Congress must use all available constitutional authority to protect the youngest and most vulnerable among us from the violence of abortion, no matter what state their little hearts are beating in. Lawmakers also must protect babies who survive abortions, stop the interstate flow of deadly abortion pills, halt any taxpayer dollars from going to the abortion industry, and ensure no American is forced to violate his or her moral or religious convictions by being forced to participate in abortion or abortion insurance coverage.”

Check out the Heritage Foundation’s new interactive map that categorizes each state’s current gestational protections for unborn children. The map also provides an outlook of each state’s potential to enhance gestational protections for unborn children in America’s new post-Roe landscape.