Heritage Expert Calls Omnibus an "Embarrassing Rundown of Broken Promises"

Heritage Expert Calls Omnibus an "Embarrassing Rundown of Broken Promises"

Mar 21, 2018 1 min read

Late this evening the House of Representative released its 2,232 page omnibus spending bill. Heritage's Justin Bogie released the following statement:

“The omnibus spending bill unveiled this evening is an embarrassing rundown of broken promises and leaves zero doubt that Congress has turned its back on its commitments to the American people. For too long, members of Congress have pledged to break Washington's spending addiction, defund Planned Parenthood, restore regular order to the budgeting process, secure the border and end the failed Obamacare experiment once and for all. This monstrosity does none of those things.

"Instead, this bill disregards the unstable fiscal path that the country is on in favor of more deficit spending, welcoming back trillion dollar deficits for the foreseeable future. This 2,232 page omnibus was largely crafted behind closed doors by a handful of Congressional power brokers and will be voted on almost immediately, providing an insufficient amount of time for thorough debate and constructive amendment.

“At a time when Congress should be reinstituting spending caps or enacting other measures to put our nation’s spending on a fiscally responsible track, it is unshackling the Washington swamp to spend without constraint.”