Heritage Expert: Even Biden’s Supreme Court Commission Pours Cold Water on Left’s Court-Packing Scheme

Heritage Expert: Even Biden’s Supreme Court Commission Pours Cold Water on Left’s Court-Packing Scheme

Dec 7, 2021 1 min read

WASHINGTON—The presidential commission tasked with examining “reforms” to the U.S. Supreme Court released its final report. Tom Jipping, senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, released the following statement Tuesday:  

“The sanctity of our judicial system should never be subjected to political whims and pursuits. However, many on the left are trying to subvert the rule of law to make the federal judiciary, and especially the Supreme Court, another policymaking body that will help them implement their radical agenda.  


“President Joe Biden created the Supreme Court Commission in response to the left’s aggressive demands to pack the Supreme Court, but failed to identify any problem that needed solving or ask for any recommendations on potential ‘reforms.’ True to its mandate, the commission did not make a single contribution to that debate—because the court does not require the fundamental changes being sought by the far left.   


“Ultimately, by taking no position on anything, the commission poured more cold water on radical schemes like court-packing. Packing the Supreme Court would destroy the independence of the judiciary and place the courts under the control of the election branches. Any calls to do so should be unequivocally rejected.”