Heritage Expert: Executive Order to Protect Vulnerable Babies Affirms Human Dignity

Heritage Expert: Executive Order to Protect Vulnerable Babies Affirms Human Dignity

Sep 27, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON—President Trump recently signed an executive order to protect vulnerable newborn and infant children, including infants who survive an abortion, are born extremely premature, or are disabled. Heritage Foundation research associate Melanie Israel offered the following response:

“The administration should be applauded for its commitment to protecting born-alive infants from discrimination. Once again, this administration is affirming the inherent dignity and worth of every member of our human family, including the youngest and most vulnerable among us.

“Regardless of the circumstances of his or her birth, every American deserves equal protection under federal laws. This executive order will help ensure that entities receiving Health and Human Services funding comply with obligations under federal laws such as the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, the Rehabilitation Act, and the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

“Furthermore, President Trump has instructed HHS Secretary Alex Azar to prioritize research funding to investigate and develop treatments for infants born alive in an emergency situation, including preemies and those with disabilities.”