Heritage Expert: Infrastructure Framework a Harbinger for Future Economic Problems

Heritage Expert: Infrastructure Framework a Harbinger for Future Economic Problems

The House passed the $1.1 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework, which expands far beyond the traditional definition of infrastructure to include radical social objectives and will speed up the reckless socialist spending bill.

Nov 6, 2021 2 min read

WASHINGTON—The House just passed the $1.1 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework (BIF). David Ditch, policy analyst for the Hermann Center for the Federal Budget at The Heritage Foundation, released a statement on Friday on the implications of BIF’s passage: 


“The bill’s passage speeds up the reckless socialist spending bill. This is a harbinger for future economic problems. 


“The plan expands far beyond the traditional definition of infrastructure to include radical social objectives and a ‘Green New Deal 2.0.’ It spends tens of billions on subsidizing electric vehicles and charging stations, electric buses, electric ferry boats, ‘green’ energy production, mandating reports on climate change, and even half a billion dollars to try to cool down pavement in cities. 


“BIF centralizes power for bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., and gives them control over decisions traditionally best left to state and local governments—like infrastructure grants, which will now be prioritized to achieve progressive goals related to race and equity. 


“More government power will also mean more regulations for the private sector. A combined $138 billion would go toward a variety of subsidies, mandates, and government-operated enterprises competing with private providers. Reducing the power of state and local governments turns federal elections into winner-take-all competitions. 


“The Congressional Budget Office estimated that this bill will increase our government’s deficits by $256 billion. But that doesn’t count a $118 billion bailout of the Highway Trust Fund. That means the bill would really add at least $2,900 per household to the national debt.  


“Considering that the debt is already more than $220,000 per household and rising, this is a perfect example of continued financial irresponsibility from congressional leaders who continue to imperil America’s economy.  


“Congress and the Biden administration need to get the federal government out of the way by embracing fiscal reforms, cutting red tape, and abandoning massive tax-and-spend legislation that would further cripple America’s economy. Democrats have proven that the more they intervene in the economy, the worse the crisis will get.”