Heritage Expert: Jobs Numbers Show Economy Slowing as Biden Moves Full Steam Ahead with Job-Destroying Agenda

Heritage Expert: Jobs Numbers Show Economy Slowing as Biden Moves Full Steam Ahead with Job-Destroying Agenda

May 5, 2023 1 min read

WASHINGTON—The Department of Labor today released new figures that the economy added 253,000 jobs in April, and March’s job gains were revised downward to 165,000. The unemployment rate edged down to 3.4% in April as the labor force declined slightly.

Rachel Greszler, senior research fellow in budget and entitlements at The Heritage Foundation, made the following statement Friday:

“Today’s lackluster employment report comes alongside slowing economic growth and serious risks of a recession in 2023. As the Federal Reserve continues its efforts to bring down inflation caused by trillions of dollars in excessive government spending, having good labor policies in place is incredibly important.

“Despite the Biden administration’s claims of record job gains, the fact remains there are 2 million fewer people working today than there would be if employment were at pre-pandemic employment rates. That’s because welfare-without-work policies, ongoing student loan pauses and the administration’s student loan forgiveness, and the Biden administration’s agenda to line the pockets of union bosses at the expense of the livelihoods of independent workers and small business owners are all holding back jobs and economic output.

“The consequences of fewer workers and more government handouts continue to compound. Too few workers have caused delayed health care, canceled flights, disrupted education, shortages of goods and services, and increased prices.

“One of the many looming threats to workers comes from Julie Su, who is one Senate vote away from pushing California’s job-destroying policies nationwide. If confirmed to lead the U.S. Department of Labor, Su would oversee the finalization of an independent contractor rule that will restrict the job opportunities and incomes of many of the 60 million Americans who performed independent work last year.

“Still-strong demand for workers is arguably the one good thing the economy has going for it right now. To reduce the consequences of a potential recession, the administration and Congress should put in place policies that make welfare more work-oriented, protect workers’ rights, protect and expand flexible work opportunities, and make it easier for small businesses to operate. Additionally, the Limit, Save, Grow Act that just passed the House would help spur more employment.”