Heritage Expert on NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's Paid Vacation Plan

Heritage Expert on NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's Paid Vacation Plan

Jan 10, 2019 1 min read

Following New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's paid two week vacation proposal, Heritage research fellow, Rachel Greszler, offered the following response:

“Government should promote policies that encourage job creation, wage growth, and innovation. Mayor de Blasio’s plan taxes workers and creates costs that most small businesses won’t be able to absorb. Coercive government mandates like this force employers to lay workers off, cut back on hours, reduce pay and other benefits and will force many to relocate outside of New York City to places where their businesses can survive. Mayor de Blasio has sold this as “good for business,” but this is just a gimmick that will cost jobs and threaten prosperity in New York.”