Heritage Expert: Ohio Increases Education Choice through Budget

Heritage Expert: Ohio Increases Education Choice through Budget

Jul 5, 2023 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Ohio lawmakers recently passed a budget that expands access to the state’s private school voucher program to all K-12 students.

Heritage Foundation research fellow Jason Bedrick, released the following statement:

“Ohio has long been a pioneer in school choice. Ohio first enacted a voucher program in Cleveland in 1996 and adopted its first statewide voucher in 2006. Now Ohio joins the growing list of states that are empowering all families with school choice by making every K-12 student eligible for an opportunity scholarship.

“Gov. Mike DeWine and state lawmakers deserve great credit for putting families in the driver’s seat when it comes to their kids’ education. Families deserve to be able to choose learning environments that align with their values and best fit their children’s unique learning needs. In Ohio, that aspiration is becoming a reality.”