Heritage Expert Reacts to New Proposed Rule on Obamacare

Heritage Expert Reacts to New Proposed Rule on Obamacare

Jan 4, 2018 1 min read

The Trump administration today proposed new rules that allow certain small businesses and trade groups to band together to buy health care. Heritage Foundation senior research fellow Edmund Haislmaier offered this initial reaction to the new rules:

"The Trump administration today issued proposed rules to help people most hurt by Obamacare--the small business employees and self-employed who have faced skyrocketing premiums and reduced choice in plans from Obamacare’s heavy mandates. President Trump is right to take these steps that provide much-needed relief. Congress needs to follow his lead and provide more regulatory relief from Obamacare’s mandates. Heritage scholars will review the proposals closely to make sure that they achieve the worthy goal of helping more small employers offer coverage to their workers."