Heritage Expert on Trump Administration's Executive Branch Reorganization Plan

Heritage Expert on Trump Administration's Executive Branch Reorganization Plan

Jun 21, 2018 2 min read

This afternoon, the Trump Administration announced their proposal for a massive reorganization of the federal government. This proposal was in response to a presidential executive order signed last year by President Trump directing the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to develop a plan to reorganize and streamline the executive branch. Heritage’s Rachel Greszler had the following to say about the plan:


“Americans deserve a government more focused on its core constitutional mission and less entangled in serving special interests. Americans are living under a federal government that knows no fiscal bounds, with bureaucratic decisions affecting nearly every aspect of their lives. The Trump Administration is taking concrete action today to streamline and improve the way the executive branch does business, an encouraging first step to rein in the excessive growth of a federal government and to make more efficient use of taxpayer dollars that go towards funding the federal government. It is time for bold action to make a bloated and lethargic government leaner, more efficient and more responsive. While the proposal is not without flaws and the degree to which it achieves the stated goals above varies by agency, on the whole, these are largely commonsense proposals that will serve the American people over the federal bureaucracy. That is why Heritage is pleased that many of the conservative solutions our experts have spent years developing and studying and presented in the ‘Blueprint for Reorganization’ have been adopted by the Trump Administration in this proposal."


Heritage's "Blueprint for Reorganization" is available HERE