Heritage Expert on Updated CMS Waivers from Obamacare

Heritage Expert on Updated CMS Waivers from Obamacare

Oct 22, 2018 1 min read

Today, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released new administrative guidelines for states seeking waivers from some of Obamacare’s mandates. Doug Badger, a visiting fellow for The Heritage Foundation, offered the following analysis:

“Americans should have lower costs and more choices when it comes to health care, so the Trump Administration has taken a good next step with the waiver process. States that have managed to obtain waivers from some of Obamacare’s cumbersome regulations have already reduced health insurance premiums. By removing even a few Obamacare restrictions, the administration has opened the door to more patient-friendly state innovation.

But the waivers alone are not enough to undo Obamacare’s underlying damage. Congress should enact the Health Care Choices Proposal, which would give states the resources and flexibility to design patient-centered approaches that make health insurance affordable regardless of income or health status.”