Heritage Experts: Senate Right to Stop Biden’s Unlawful, Unfair Student Loan Bailout

Heritage Experts: Senate Right to Stop Biden’s Unlawful, Unfair Student Loan Bailout

Jun 1, 2023 1 min read

WASHINGTON—A bipartisan vote in the Senate today passed a Congressional Review Act resolution to block President Biden’s unlawful student loan bailout proposal.

Heritage Foundation education policy scholars Lindsey Burke and Adam Kissel offered the following statement:

“Lawmakers were right to block Biden's unfair and unlawful student loan bailout. Biden's loan cancellation scheme would force hard-working Americans to pay off the degrees for wealthier graduates.

“The nation just reached our debt ceiling because of massive federal spending. This student loan bailout program, combined with Biden’s other costly student loan schemes, will likely cost more than $1 trillion. This giveaway burdens future generations with more debt while rewarding people who should be meeting their financial responsibilities.

“While Biden will likely veto the decision of both houses of Congress, lawmakers should keep standing up to regressive giveaways and bailouts.”