Heritage Foundation and Mike Howell File Motion to Intervene in Hunter Plea Deal, Back Up Whistleblowers

Heritage Foundation and Mike Howell File Motion to Intervene in Hunter Plea Deal, Back Up Whistleblowers

Aug 2, 2023 1 min read

WASHINGTON—To support whistleblowers and demand answers for the American people, The Heritage Foundation and Mike Howell, director of the Oversight Project filed a motion to intervene Tuesday in the ongoing federal case against Hunter Biden. The Oversight Project asked the court to reject Biden’s lawyers’ attacks on whistleblowers by attempting to seal information.

“Hunter Biden’s lawyers don’t want the American people to read the Oversight Project’s brief on why his plea deal was rotten,” said Mike Howell, director of the Oversight Project. “They are brazenly attacking the brave and courageous IRS whistleblowers by arguing to the court that they improperly disclosed information. That is absolutely false. The whistleblowers followed all appropriate laws, and their testimony was properly released by the House Ways and Means Committee. They want our brief taken down for using their testimony, but we will not sit back and let this attack on the whistleblowers proceed.”

The latest filing from Heritage comes as Hunter Biden’s legal team continues to try to hide critical information from the public by attempting to seal the amicus brief filed by the House of Representatives, which contains potentially damaging information central to the case involving the president’s son. Biden’s legal team has threatened to do the same with Heritage’s amicus brief.


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