Heritage Foundation Honors John Coleman With 2021 Distinguished Intern Alumni Award

Heritage Foundation Honors John Coleman With 2021 Distinguished Intern Alumni Award

Nov 11, 2021 1 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation today recognized author and businessman John Coleman with the Distinguished Intern Alumni Award for his outstanding accomplishments in the business community and his consistent work to advance conservative ideas and policies.

Coleman, who interned at Heritage in 2003, is managing partner at Sovereign’s Capital, a values-driven private equity and venture capital firm. He has held a variety of leadership positions at Invesco Ltd. He also worked with McKinsey & Co., Bridgewater Associates, and the Housing Partnership Network. 

Coleman is a frequent writer and public speaker. He is the author of three books and a regular writer on personal development and leadership issues. He is also deeply involved in his community, particularly on causes related to educational opportunity for young people. 

“John’s focus on values-based ventures directed toward human flourishing is exactly what America needs in the business community,” said Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James. “John generates the engines of prosperity and opportunity by partnering with companies committed to real market solutions.”

“I’m humbled by this recognition,” said Coleman. “I believe firmly that all investing is impact investing—every dollar we put to work has an impact on the world. We have a remarkable opportunity to invest in firms and leaders to love their neighbors and promote human flourishing, and in doing so, to transform the marketplace.”

Since 2016, Heritage has recognized exemplary alumni from its top-notch Young Leaders Program. This award reinforces the tremendous impact that Heritage and its donors have in developing the next generation of conservative leaders. Past awardees include Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser, Judge Neomi Rao of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, Commonwealth Foundation President Charles Mitchell, and WMAL "The Vincent Coglianese Show" anchor Vince Coglianese.

As the nation’s largest, most broadly supported conservative research and educational institution, The Heritage Foundation has been leading the American conservative movement since our founding in 1973. More than 500,000 dues-paying members support our vision to build an America where freedom, prosperity, opportunity, and civil society flourish.