Heritage Foundation Launches New TV Ad to Bolster Support for Judge Amy Coney Barrett

Heritage Foundation Launches New TV Ad to Bolster Support for Judge Amy Coney Barrett

Oct 14, 2020 5 min read

WASHINGTON – The Heritage Foundation has debuted a new TV ad campaign to support Judge Amy Coney Barrett as she awaits confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court.  

The seven-figure campaign aims to educate Americans on confirmation of Barrett to our nation’s highest court. It builds on the growing public support for Barrett, who will face a Senate Judiciary Committee vote Oct. 22.  

The centerpiece of Heritage’s campaign is a 30-second television ad and accompanying 15-second digital ad highlighting Barrett’s qualifications for the Supreme Court. The television spot will appear on Fox News, HGTV, History, and Discovery Channel and remain in rotation as the Senate considers her confirmation.  

The new ad is part of Heritage’s “Fight for America” national advertising campaign, which seeks to contrast the conservative vision for America with the radical progressive agenda of the left.  

Barrett’s confirmation comes at a critical time when the left is attempting to politicize the judicial branch and turn the courts into another legislative body. As a Supreme Court justice, Barrett will respect the Constitution and will issue rulings based on the law, not on her political opinions.  

“Every American who cares about their own freedom and the freedom of their children and grandchildren should be excited by the choice of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court,” said Heritage President Kay C. James. “She is an outstanding choice. She is a brilliant legal mind with sterling credentials. And that is why the entire Heritage enterprise is proud to support her.” 

Heritage has been at the forefront of the fight to confirm Barrett, even before her official nomination. Prior to President Donald Trump’s announcement naming Judge Barrett as his nominee, Heritage scholars recommended potential nominees to the Supreme Court. Barrett was prominently featured in that article by John Malcolm, Heritage senior legal fellow and vice president for the Institute for Constitutional Government, and legal fellow Zack Smith.  

Since the time of her nomination, Heritage has been working tirelessly to inform Americans about who Barrett is as a person and what her legal history says about her judicial philosophy. 

Moments after President Donald Trump announced his selection, Heritage launched a digital campaign—Take a Stand for the Supreme Court—where Americans can make their voices heard in support of the Barrett’s confirmation. Take a Stand for the Supreme Court is powered by FreeRoots, a grassroots platform with a mission to empower everyone who cares about public policy issues to engage in action and make their views known.

In late September and early October, Heritage hosted two exclusive online events, “Who Is Amy Coney Barrett? A Closer Look at Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee” and “What Kind of Judge is Amy Coney Barrett? A Closer Look at Her Cases.” The webinars featured participants close to the judge, including Barrett’s former clerks, law school students and colleagues at Notre Dame Law School.  

Heritage legal experts have also been working continuously to offer Americans the information they need to know about Judge Barrett’s character and judicial beliefs and the importance of nominating an originalist to the Supreme Court. Since the vacancy became open, Heritage legal experts have written more than 25 op-eds and have engaged in more than 140 media interviews. Heritage has created a landing page to provide Americans with access to a breadth of information about Barrett and the process of confirming a judge to the Supreme Court.  

Additionally, on the opening day of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, Heritage launched its first episode of “Perspectives: The Confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett.” The multipart podcast series features personal, in-depth conversations with Sens. Marsha Blackburn and Joni Ernst. The senators are the first two female Republican women on the Judiciary Committee, making their unique point of view especially compelling during Judge Barrett’s confirmation process. 

Heritage’s multimedia news organization, The Daily Signal, is providing complete coverage and analysis of Barrett’s hearings. The Daily Signal also released an eight-minute mini-documentary featuring some of the people who know Barrett’s work best—her former students and clerks. The video, “Meet the REAL Amy Coney Barrett,” tells the truth about the judge and her approach to the law. 

Heritage Action for America, an independent partner organization affiliated with The Heritage Foundation, launched a “Confirm Amy” grassroots campaign to introduce Barrett to 1 million grassroots activists and 20,000 Sentinel leaders. Earlier this week, Heritage Action hosted a rally with hundreds of activists voicing their support for Barrett. 

For more information, visit Heritage’s collection page on Confirming a Supreme Court Justice

As the nation’s largest, most broadly supported conservative research and educational institution, The Heritage Foundation has been leading the American conservative movement since our founding in 1973. More than 500,000 dues-paying members support our vision to build an America where freedom, prosperity, opportunity, and civil society flourish.