Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James: On Independence Day, Let's Celebrate America

Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James: On Independence Day, Let's Celebrate America

Jul 4, 2018 1 min read

WASHINGTON- Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James issued the following statement on Independence Day.


"When America’s Founders stood together for independence, they committed their lives, liberty, fortunes, and future – all so that we could be free. During the War that followed, they made great sacrifices. Some lost their lives, many lost their fortunes, and still others lost their families. But they persevered and prevailed. Their honor still shines brightly today, and so, too, does their example.


"All Americans still have the opportunity, and necessity, to be patriots. So on this Independence Day, let us celebrate the courage and conviction that made this great nation possible. And let’s commit ourselves to supporting and strengthening her with the same determination our Founders devoted to her creation."