Heritage Foundation President’s Statement on Border Security Funding

Heritage Foundation President’s Statement on Border Security Funding

Feb 14, 2019 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James issued the following statement about government spending and border security.

“Today, lawmakers in Congress are voting on a proposal that would fund portions of the U.S. government for the remainder of the fiscal year. While that’s a welcome effort to avoid another government shutdown, this plan falls short of the much-needed resources to secure America’s border. The deal also continues along a track of spending too much money while growing the size of the government.

“For years, The Heritage Foundation has outlined the threats posed from a porous border and called on Congress to make border security a top priority. Now is the time to take action. Unfortunately, the proposal advancing in Congress fails to provide the resources necessary to secure the border and curb spending.

“It is incumbent upon President Trump and lawmakers to address the humanitarian and security crisis at our border.”