Heritage Foundation President’s Statement on Nomination of Bill Barr as Attorney General

Heritage Foundation President’s Statement on Nomination of Bill Barr as Attorney General

Dec 7, 2018 1 min read

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James released the below statement following President Trump's nomination of Bill Barr as Attorney General of the United States:


"Bill Barr is not only a highly qualified and very experienced lawyer, but he is also a conservative who will faithfully enforce the law on behalf of the American people as Attorney General. He has a long track record of doing so, having served as Assistant Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, and Attorney General and he understands better than almost anyone else how the Justice Department is organized and operates. As Attorney General, he spoke about his loyalty to the law. In a November 1992 speech, he said that the 'attorney general’s oath to uphold the Constitution raises the question whether his duty lies ultimately with the president who appointed him or more abstractly with the rule of law. I said in my confirmation hearings, and have said several times since, that the attorney’s ultimate allegiance must by to the rule of law.' There are few people better suited for a job than Bill Barr is to once again serve as Attorney General. We at Heritage hope for a rapid Senate confirmation process."