Heritage Foundation Releases PSA on Encouraging In-Person Voting

Heritage Foundation Releases PSA on Encouraging In-Person Voting

Oct 1, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON — The Heritage Foundation today released a new PSA encouraging all Americans who are able to vote in person and exposing the potential pitfalls of universal mail-in voting.

“The right to vote is among the most sacred rights we have as Americans,” said Heritage President Kay C. James. “It has been paid for by the blood and sacrifice of patriotic men and women throughout our history. Our elections are too important to leave to chance or to be driven by political games. The best way to make sure your vote counts is to go in person to your polling place.”

In this year of chaos and disruptions to the electoral system, ensuring the integrity of our elections has never been more important, and the need for clear voices presenting the unvarnished facts has never been greater. Fortunately, every American can contribute to making sure this year’s elections advance the good of the nation and respect in our democratic process—voting in person.

Despite much misinformation in the media, voting in person is safe and is the simplest and most secure way to vote. Mail-in voting, on the other hand, presents unique risks no voter should accept if they can avoid it.

“This new Heritage Foundation ad, just like Heritage’s other efforts on election integrity, is all about educating Americans how they can participate in the freest and fairest election possible this November,” James added. “Even if you don’t oppose universal mail-in voting, there is no question that the safest and most secure way to vote is at your local polling station. Every American who is able should vote in person.”

Click here to watch: Be Sure Your Vote Counts: Vote in Person | The Heritage Foundation