Heritage Legal Expert Calls H.R. 1 Unconstitutional in Judiciary Committee Hearing

Heritage Legal Expert Calls H.R. 1 Unconstitutional in Judiciary Committee Hearing

Jan 29, 2019 1 min read

Washington, D.C. - Hans von Spakovsky, Manager of The Heritage Foundation's Election Law Reform Initiative and a Meese Center Senior Legal Fellow, today testified before the House Judiciary Committee on H.R. 1, the For the People Act. Von Spakovsky released the below comment regarding the legislation:

“All legislation proposed by Congress should be necessary, constitutional, and good policy. H.R. 1 is none of these things. It is unnecessary, unconstitutional, and bad policy. It does nothing to protect voters or to help election officials administer a fair and secure voter registration and election process. Put bluntly, it imposes federal micromanagement on the states, reversing the local oversight of the election process that our Founders believed was essential to preserving liberty and freedom in America.”

To read an excerpt von Spakovsky's remarks, click, HERE.