Heritage Mourns Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

Heritage Mourns Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

Nov 29, 2023 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Victoria Coates, vice president of Heritage’s Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy, today issued the following statement on the death of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger:

“Whether it was opening relations with China in the 1970s or hammering out the Paris Peace accord to end the Vietnam War, Dr. Kissinger never shied from a difficult task. He served under two American presidents and provided invaluable advice and guidance to many more.


“Dr. Kissinger knew not just how to make his point, but how to make it memorable. For example, when Iraq invaded Iran in 1980, he noted that it was a pity they couldn’t both lose. And indeed, both countries have remained problem areas for the United States ever since.


“While Heritage and Dr. Kissinger were known to disagree on a number of national security matters, we always respected his views and understood that he offered them in pursuit of our shared goal: to build a stronger, more secure United States.


“His practicality and realism will be missed in Washington, and his wry wit will be missed by the thousands around the world who knew him well.”